fic: Got to Fight Without You Here [Demi/Selena] Chapter 8

May 30, 2010 16:36

Title: Got to Fight Without You Here-Chapter 8
Author: breathe_it_in94 
Rating: NC-17 (for language/later chapters)
Word Count (These Parts): 1342
Disclaimer: I don't mean to offend; I own nothing but the plot.
Summary: Demi becomes obsessed with a girl she's only met in passing. She doesn't know the girl's name, where she lives or goes to school; all she knows is that she's perfect.
A/N: Sorry for the wait!!! Hope y'all enjoy!


“Selena…” Demi’s voice was almost a whisper, and the huskiness in it sent shocks of electricity through Selena’s body. She glanced down at Demi’s mouth as her tongue darted out, and leant forward.

Demi turned her head at the last minute, and then cursed herself for it. Selena’s lips brushed Demi’s cheek instead of her lips, and Demi longed for the contact…

Why? she asked herself. Why the sudden change of heart? You almost kissed her half an hour ago! Why can’t you now?

But suddenly the thoughts entered Demi’s mind, that she didn’t know the girl yet. She wanted to be friends, at least, before they kissed and jumped right into a relationship neither were really prepared for. Or, at least, she wasn’t prepared for.

Now, if only she could say that out loud.

“What--” Selena pulled back and looked at her in confusion. “What’s wrong? I thought you said…?”

Demi shook her head, and realized too late what Selena might take that for. She tried to force the words out of her mouth, but they just wouldn’t come. Selena took the gesture for something bad, something completely the opposite of what Demi meant. Selena’s confusion turned to anger and disbelief, maybe even hurt, in a heartbeat.

“Well,” she said heatedly, “I’m sorry for wasting your time. And mine.” She opened the car door and placed one foot on the concrete. “Good luck tomorrow. Have a good life.”

With that, she stepped out of the car and slammed the door, walking swiftly to the front door.

And what did Demi do? Did she valiantly run after her, stopping her on the porch, and kissing her, like in a romance movie?


She left. Like a damn coward, she drove off with tears in her eyes. She pulled into her driveway and wiped her face. Miley could get her car herself.

She locked the car and went inside, putting the keys on the table in the foyer before running up the stairs. She shut the door gently; she didn’t want anyone to come see what was wrong. And then she lay down on her stomach and cried into her pillow.

Why did she leave? She could have stayed, talked to Selena, explained her reasons for turning away, and they could be up in Selena’s room right now, learning about each other like Demi had wanted to in the first place.

If Demi hadn’t been such a coward….

She shouldn’t be crying. This was her own damn fault. Things were screwed up because of her; she shouldn’t be crying like Selena had broken her heart.

She should be practicing for tomorrow’s performance. There was so much riding on this now. She really had to show Selena what she thought of her.

She wasn’t going to sing the song with Miley. She needed to do this herself, show Selena everything she was about. Her heart and soul went into this song when she wrote it, and it would show, even if it hadn’t been written for Selena.

Demi had been practicing for hours when Miley called her from downstairs. Demi set her guitar on her bed and walked out into the hall. Looking over the banister, she could see Miley standing in the foyer. She was beaming, so Demi forced a smile onto her face, for her best friend’s sake. “Have a nice date?”

Miley started walking up the stairs as she talked, putting her key to Demi’s house back in her purse. “It was… great, Dem, it really was. I’ll tell you about it later. What happened with you and Gomez?”

Miley was standing next to Demi on the landing now, and Demi seemed to zone out as the question was asked. She didn‘t meet Miley’s questioning gaze. “It, um… wasn’t exactly as great as your night.” At Miley’s raised eyebrow, she continued, taking the two of them into her bedroom. “We almost kissed after you left with Taylor. Almost, Miles,” she added as Miley started up again. “The runner-up interrupted us. Then… she tried to kiss me when I dropped her off and I… just turned away.”

She told Miley her reasons for turning away (wondering why the words decided to come to her now), and Miley seemed to understand that part, but…

“Why the hell didn’t you go after her?”

Demi put her head in her hands and groaned. “I don’t know, Miles.” She kind of, maybe, lost her head a little there and started rambling a bit. “I’m so stupid; why did I let her get away? Now she’s not going to talk to me at all, and she’s gonna leave after the competition, and I’ll never see her again, and--”

“Demetria…” Miley pulled Demi’s hands from her face. “Now you know I didn’t mean it like that. You’ll win her over tomorrow, no problem, okay?”

Demi shook her head. “I’m the one who pushed her away. I need to… apologize to her, show her I really do l… want to be with her.”

Miley smirked and rolled her eyes at the near admission, unseen by Demi. “Park lyrics.”

When she offered no further information, Demi raised an eyebrow, and this time Miley openly rolled her eyes. “Sing the song you wrote in the park.” Demi’s eyes widened.

“I didn’t tell you about that!” she said, surprised. Miley looked at her patronizingly and spoke dryly.

“Dem, you write songs for everything big that happens in your life. It’s like, understood. So scratch ‘Trainwreck’ from the program and play the song you wrote about her.”

Demi picked up her guitar, absently fingering the chords to the song. “I’ll have to finish it tonight,” she said hesitantly.

Miley nodded. “You can do it.”

Demi bit her lip, but nodded firmly. “I have to.”

Miley drove her to the final round again. Demi couldn’t have driven if she wanted to, her hands were shaking so badly. Her heart was nearly beating out of her chest. She was about to have a performance that could change her life in two completely different ways, if she did well.

If she were honest, Demi would admit that she wasn’t really thinking about the record deal anymore. though she knew Selena wasn’t a prize or trophy, she was all Demi needed out of this. She would rather have Selena and her social life never change than have money and not her love.

Love? What? Demi’s fists clenched unconsciously. No. She didn’t even know the girl. You love people for their personalities, not just their outer appearances.

But there was that… attraction, like a magnetic pull between the two of them, and Demi’s body craved proximity with Selena every. Damn. Second they were apart. It was much more than lust, she knew without a doubt in her mind. Could she really have already fallen for the girl?

They were pulling into the parking lot now. Demi’s heart beat even faster, if that was possible, and she was so glad she had to wait until after Selena‘s song to perform. She went through the movements mechanically, without thinking, exiting the car and getting her guitar from the trunk. She walked with Miley into the familiar building; people were already filling the audience. Taylor was standing by the stage--so Selena must have been backstage already. Demi could see how antsy Miley was to get to Taylor, so she squeezed her hand and said, “Wish me luck!”

Miley smiled and kissed her cheek. “Good luck sweetie. Go get your girl.” She winked, and Demi had to smile back.

“Go get yours,” she said, pushing Miley in Taylor’s direction. Miley laughed before turning and walking away.

Demi took a deep breath before walking backstage. She looked through the crowd of people running around backstage. No sight of Selena. Maybe she was behind the curtain onstage already? She was first to perform. And Demi needed to warm up anyway.

But then the host walked up to her. “You’ll be going first, alright?” the host said to her.

Demi’s eyes widened. “What?”


selena rox my sox, delena forever, femslash, delena: femslash, art: fanfic, demi rox my sox, demiley: friendship, got to fight

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