fic: Got to Fight Without You Here [Demi/Selena] Chapter 5

May 23, 2010 12:29

Title: Got to Fight Without You Here-Chapter 5
Author: breathe_it_in94 
Rating: NC-17 (for language/later chapters)
Word Count (These Parts): 1319
Disclaimer: I don't mean to offend; I own nothing but the plot.
Summary: Demi becomes obsessed with a girl she's only met in passing. She doesn't know the girl's name, where she lives or goes to school; all she knows is that she's perfect.
A/N: This chapter and the next couple aren't quite as long as the others, I'm afraid. They're more...fillers, I guess? But not exactly, because some big stuff happens here ^^.


When Selena ran off without a word, Demi didn’t know what to think. She still couldn’t get over the fact that she knew her name now.

Selena Gomez. Selena. Selenalenalena. So beautiful. It suited her perfectly.

And then that effing voice of an angel came to Demi’s ears again. Demi could feel herself slipping, falling for this girl. Again (strikethrough). Already.

Selena kept glancing at her during the performance. She strutted across the stage, and God, the way she moved was… not sexy exactly, it wasn’t like that, but it was still… sensual. Teasing. And Demi tried not to get heated up, because she was about to perform on stage for Chrissake.

It didn’t help matters that Selena made it seem like she’d written the lyrics for Demi. Just for Demi.

Let’s go take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play, let me hear you say
More, more, more

The way Selena kept winking at Demi during the performance didn’t help the feeling that Selena maybe (hopefully) wanted Demi…

When the song ended, the audience cheered, and Selena smiled and took a bow before walking offstage. And back to Demi.

“You were saying?” she said. Her chest was heaving up and down as she caught her breath lost in the performance. Demi had to refocus.

“Oh, um,” she closed her eyes and shook her head slightly, attempting to clear the dirty thoughts, “Miley and I, we’re not--” she gathered her courage and looked into Selena’s eyes, wishing she could telepathically communicate with her, “we’re not together. We’re just friends.”

Selena’s expression didn’t change. Her breathing was back to normal. “Okay,” she said. Demi’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Selena didn’t say anything else, but before Demi could question the girl, “Miss Demi Lovato!” was yelled from onstage. Demi shook her head in disappointment before running past Selena and sticking a grin on her face.

She’d show her what was okay.

She’d written this song before she “met” Selena, but she let her anger and disappointment show through in the words.

How do you get here, under my skin?
I swore that I’d never let you back in
I should have known better
Been trying to let you go
‘Cause here we go, go, go again

She didn’t really realize how much she was getting into the song until she was grinding her hips and smirking at Selena. Selena’s body went rigid every time Demi did so; Demi took pride in this, of course. More pride than she usually did.

When the song was over, the cheers were deafening. Demi beamed at the crowd and bounced offstage. She flipped her hair out of her eyes and barely glanced at Selena as she passed her. If Selena thought Demi’s being single was “okay” well then--

Her arm was grabbed, and Demi whirled around. Selena’s face was inches from hers. “What’s that about?” Selena asked her. Demi raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Oh come on.” Selena put her free hand on her hip. “You tell me you’re single and interested, and then you go and ignore me?”

Demi looked down at the hand on her arm with more confidence than she felt. “I never said I was interested. And you obviously don’t care about what I do, so what’s the problem here?”

Selena dropped her arm. “What if I was just shocked, huh? What if I just thought that kissing on the lips wasn’t something that just friends did, and I didn’t know whether to trust you or not? What if I’m afraid to end up being the ‘other woman’?” At Selena’s suddenly expressionless face, Demi had the feeling that had been much more than she’d intended to say. The host called all the contestants back onstage to announce the top two. “We better go,” Selena said. Demi wondered just how complicated the girl actually was.

Once they were all onstage, the judges announced the top three. A girl, Jenna, who’d done really well, Demi thought, was announced first. She stepped forward from the line, and some people clapped, mainly her friends and family in the front. When they announced Demi’s name, Miley stood up and cheered, smiling at Demi.

When Miley had shown up that day to take her to the first round, Demi had been shocked, but glad. Miley said she had no problem with Demi being bisexual or gay or whatever-she-was; what she’d had to think about was her own sexuality (Demi was shocked at that, too). Miley was still thinking and questioning, but Demi said they could be there for each other.

The third name announced made Demi freeze. She glanced at Selena, who was now standing beside her, and then looked back to Miley, giving an almost imperceptible nod to her friend’s raised eyebrow. Miley smirked and looked Selena up and down, but Demi shook her head slightly. She’d tell her what had happened later.

The girl next to Miley had stood up for Selena. She was tall, with curly blonde hair, and beautiful. As Miley sat down, Demi caught her friend’s lingering gaze on the blonde’s body and smiled to herself.

The host was talking again. “And the two people…” dramatic pause, “who tied for first place…” pause, “are…” pause, “Demi and Selena!”

Miley shot back up and ran onstage, followed closely by the blonde, and the host continued talking about the rules for the final round. They could have backup-type vocals for the final round, but no duets where both people sang equal amounts of the song.

Miley was hugging her again, but only kissed her cheek once. “You did great,” she said in Demi’s ear.

“Thanks, babe,” she said back. They pulled apart but kept their hands together. Demi looked over Miley’s shoulder. “You check out the blonde?” she asked with a smirk. Miley raised both eyebrows.

“You kidding me? Girl, that’s all I could do aside from when you were onstage.” She leaned in closer to whisper. “Her name’s Taylor. She and Gomez have been best friends for years, like us. They even dated once, but it didn’t work out. So now they’re just really close.”

“Oh, okay,” Demi said. Miley reached up to tuck some hair behind her ear, and Demi saw it was covered in black splotches. Demi took Miley’s hand and saw Tay: 555-9570 written on the palm of it. Miley actually blushed (she was usually too confident to blush) as Demi’s smile widened. “Miles!” Miley had a small smile on her face as she took her hand back. Demi looked over at Taylor and Selena, who were still talking, and turned back to Miley. “How long were you guys talking?”

“Long enough to get each other’s numbers… and for her to ask me out for next weekend.”

Demi’s smile got wider, and she hugged Miley again. “I’m happy for you,” she said in her ear.

Miley smiled and looked back at Taylor. Her eyes freely roamed the tall girl’s body, and Demi gently pushed her forward with a “go on” look. But Miley shook her head and turned back to Selena.

“You need to tell me what’s going on with you and Gomez,” she said. Demi sighed and nodded, taking Miley’s hand and leading her backstage. Once they were in a relatively quiet spot, she started talking.

She told Miley about what she’d tried to tell Selena, and her reaction. How Selena had shown a rush of emotion and then acted like it hadn’t happened. She didn’t tell Miley what she’d thought--what she’d felt--when Selena was performing. She didn’t even want to admit that to herself.

But she told Miley everything else. And then regretted it.

Because Miley was taking her arm now. And pulling her back onstage. And saying, “Hell no, uh-uh, y’all are talking this out, right now.”

Damn. What had Demi gotten herself into now?

selena rox my sox, delena forever, femslash, delena: femslash, art: fanfic, demi rox my sox, demiley: friendship, got to fight

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