Friends Only!

Feb 26, 2006 12:49

Wow my very first entry here on LJ and I'm nervous. I could introduce myself but where's the fun in that? I could go on and on and chances are you don't care so I'll just get down to it. I'm Jenn a seventeen year old girl hailing from New Jersey. I'm a senior in high school and this year so far has been all about finding myself. I have a xanga however I'm on a hiatus because so many xangarians seem to be using xangas as a popularity contest and I'm really not into that sort of thing. I moved to LJ so my blogs would actually be read because when it comes down to it I love blogging. I love the instant gratification that comes along with blogging and recieving that reply from someone on the other side of the country, even world perhaps who is going through some of the same shit as me. I thrive on that unity we as human beings share. I love to read others blogs and love getting comments so that's why I'm here. Some of my entries are way personal and that's why I'm going to have to keep it friends only my loves. I'm super friendly though so if you want to be on "the list" leave me a comment and chances are I'll add you! If you have any questions regarding me, myself, and I just ask!