Sep 14, 2006 12:53
I feel so much safer now that thousands of Americans (mostly arab) have had their homes invaded by FBI agents and found themselves in detention centers such as Guantanamo Bay, locked up in solitary confinement in 8' X 8' cells for months and years with no legal representation, no outside contact, and no charges whatsoever filed against them (besides being arab or muslim).
I feel safer knowing that local law enforcement agencies arrest people for peacefully protesting the Bush administration, knowing that these police officers have been dressing up in civilian garb and infiltrating peace activists and actually suggesting they use more violent means of protest in order to discredit these groups.
I feel safer knowing that if I say something against this administration in the presence of the wrong company, I may be hand-cuffed and brought in for questioning, or strip-searched in public at an airport because of my views.
I feel safer knowing that after 9/11 private airlines were secretly contracted to deport hundreds of arab and muslim immigrants (who fled to the US for political asylum) back to their countries of origin, where many of them were arrested, tortured, and murdered upon arrival.
I feel safer knowing that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights therein don't really apply anymore, and we no longer need to bother with the Geneva Convention or International Law anymore.
I feel safer knowing that I could potentially be arrested for posting this very entry...
Are we really the "freest nation on earth" anymore???
Fuck this bullshit "war on terror"
Fuck every member of the Bush administration
Fuck "national security"
Fuck Guantanamo Bay
Fuck anyone who supports these policies
and if Bush is truly a christian, then Fuck christianity as well