im getting good at NOT sleeping

Jan 07, 2006 06:46

I can't sleeeep..AGAIN
ugh. its really getting old.
I swear. I wish I could just sleep the
whole night through. Its pissin me the
hell off that I can't.

When the stores open ..I'm running down
to grab me some medicine that'll knock me
the fuck out. I hope I can get some sleep that
way. If not ..I'll be killing someone.

Mk has work this morning. I wish she didn't.
I want her to stay home we can like ..
lay together all day. [without me coughing]
& yeah ..I just don't want her to leave =/
but someones gotta make a living [for me]
haha, because i'm out of work.
She is basically supporting me right now.
&& uhh ..wait ..she was supporting me even when
I was still working. LMAO. I'm a bum.
Soooorrrrrrrrrry =/

I'm dying. I can't stop coughing. RAWWWWR.
I just want to get bettttter.

I got my stitches out yesterday ..they told me to
reallly stay off my foot my foot as much as possible.
lmao. uhhh its deff really hard when my bathroom, kitchen
& uhhh ..yeah all downstairs.
I mainly stay upstairs all day ..but its getting old.
I think I need something new.

Its saturday ..& I don't have plans tonight ..
and probably won't have plans for the next few weeks.
I'm a lame-oh. I swear.
She is all I want. Just to be around her.
Ohhhh ..& some McDonalds. That'll do :)

Hahahaha ..makes me sound like a fattttty.
Well shiiiiiit son, I am.
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