Fic: On the Way, Final Chapter/Epilogue - story complete!

Jan 09, 2010 20:13

Series: Enter the Big Bad Wolf
Title: On the Way
Chapter: - Final/Epilogue - Author: breannarose1 Characters: Jack, Jack/Ianto, Doctor (10)
Rating: PG-13
Beta-ed by: UnBetad. All mistakes be mine, all mine. :-}
Summary: Children of Earth my way, a.k.a. "something happened on the way to" Thames House


Ianto couldn’t believe how fast things had changed.

Ianto’s first calls from Thames House had been to Emma, who was time-displaced herself, and Martha’s mother, Francine, to get the children of 1965 settled and adapted to 2009. After spending nearly a half hour trying to calm the children, a small army of UNIT doctors had showed up, courtesy of Martha, followed by Emma, Francine and the newlyweds themselves. Martha and Tom had cut their honeymoon short soon after the trouble began.

After being reassured that the kids will be alright and politely refusing both the Milligan’s and the London Jones’ offer of a place to stay for the night, Ianto left Thames House for Wales. On the way, he called Rhiannon and let her know everything was okay but that he wasn’t going to visit or explain further until he’s had time to recover from everything. She wasn’t thrilled but, surprisingly, she didn’t push. Ianto had slept the rest of the train ride back.

When Ianto had arrived back in Cardiff, he went to see the ruins of the Hub. He also checked the damage to his tourist office. While he had been able to get to the safe which held all his paperwork, his tourist shop was unsalvageable. He was going to have to redirect his clients to the other offices. He could almost hear those working in those offices rejoicing at the news. It had surprised Ianto to find that during Torchwood’s absence, nobody had entered Hub and nothing had been stolen but he decided not to question it.

After two weeks, he had made a complete report on the destruction and had assessed all the damage for the Queen to use when she billed the government. During that time, the Doctor had showed up and helped clean up the Archives, updating many files, creating new ones, and returning whatever tech he recognized to its proper time and place. Any remaining tech stayed with the Doctor, much to UNIT’s ire. The Vaults were then emptied. Whenever possible a body was exchanged for the “stand in” Torchwood had supplied. Otherwise they were destroyed, though not by Ianto, who had had enough of corpses. The not-dead Gray was sent to a 51st century mental hospital with his memory wiped and had been “found” by his, and Jack’s, mother. Ianto had refused to join the Doctor for that trip.

Exhausted from the non-stop work, Ianto had checked himself into a five star hotel for a week but left for his own apartment after the first night because of a nightmare. He had had to call Martha and renew all his old prescriptions. Jack was no longer available to help him with the PTSD.

Three weeks later, he checked himself back into the hotel, was able to enjoy the entire week’s stay and was ready to face Rhiannon. His sister had a surprise waiting when he got there.

Apparently, the Doctor had stopped in and gotten the Evans family to sign the Official Secrets Act and, for some reason, had dropped off Ianto’s journal for Rhiannon to read. Ianto had found he wasn’t as upset about that as he thought he’d be. Embarrassed but not upset. He was finally able to talk to Rhi about his life for the past several years.

During his hotel stay, Ianto had decided to look for a new location for his tourist shop. Jack had owned it outright, having bought it in 1988. He had seen the investment as a challenge. Using as to access the Hub hadn’t happened until 2001. Because of th elack of access, it was a normal shop and Jack had been able hire just about anyone to run it. Usually it was a summer job for a teenager. Only a handful of those hired actually tried to make a success of it. Many had just seen it as an easy paycheck. Ianto had been the first to make a go of it and succeed. He had seen it as a challenge, the same challenge Jack had seen. After two months of successfully running it, Jack had made Ianto a co-owner.

For the new shop Ianto had wanted a place somewhere Hub access could be arranged, although he doesn’t expect to ever use create or use such access. During his search he found that, at some point after their trip to India, Jack had looked into new real estate, and it turned out that a few of the prospective locations were still for sale.

Now after all the paperwork, all the building, and lots of sleepless nights planning, Ianto Jones was standing in front of his new shop. Tourists would still have to be either lost or adventurous to find it but it nicely situated, having a door into the next shop over, his coffee shop - the new Hub of Cardiff.

Starbuck’s would never know what hit them.


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I found this a bit hard to write and it still doesn't have the "punch" it should. It reads wrong, there's too much in it but I couldn't find a way to reduce it. Worse still, I would have put the following into the story but fortunately couldn't work it in.

One week after the 456 there was another miracle, although no attention was brought to this one - the Torchwood Hub was back, as was. Gwen had rejoiced at the news and had started planning a new work schedule for her and Ianto. She was hurt, shocked and then furious when Ianto had told her that he wasn’t coming back to Torchwood. He had found a file in the office safe that hadn’t been there before. His name was written on it with Jack’s handwriting. The date was 3 days after Tommy's return to the past. He and Jack had talked about the future that day.

But this lead me to create another story and I wanted to finish this one first.
I do love the last line though. 'Course I be biased. :D
Well, I'm on to the next story but not sure when I'll post.
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Comments and constructive critisms welcome! :)

janto, dw, tw, coe, series 3, story, jack, torchwood, doctor who, ianto

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