(no subject)

Jul 08, 2014 18:49

around 4:45pm-ish: I sent an email to a group mailbox.
Realized it was wrong.
Recalled e-mail & sent correct
BUT someone in group read 1st email (I get a 'receipt' when e-mail's read saying who & when)
I'm locking up desk & phone wrings.
It person who read 1st email.
I correctly assumed she was going to ask which email she should pay attention to.
Incorrectly assumed that'd be the end of the call.
Missed shuttle, came across on phone as being exasperated {I was but it shouldn't have been noticeable :( }, ended up transferring the call (almost dropped it) to co-worker who'd originally asked me to send the email.
Departure time? 5:15.

Not too fond of myself today :(
Can't wait for tomorrow & the 'why'd you answer phone at 5pm?!?'

(Keep in mind, folks, I go for worst case scenarios as reality HAS to be better...right?)

via ljapp

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