(no subject)

May 04, 2014 17:39

Thanks to this being New England, I've gone from being overdressed to being underdressed.
Currently waiting for train to take me into Boston -again.

I arrived at my mom's before 9:00. She headed out a bit later leaving my with youngest nephew.
After playing with my younger sister's cats, we went outside for a good while. We headed in when it seemed like it would rain. Played some more with the cats and then started a game of Star Wars Monopoly.
My mom came home just when things wee getting interesting.

Apparently older sister & hubby were traveling faster than expected so we had to leave to meet up with them. Turns out oldest nephew had joined them on the walk already.
My sister was limping in pain & there was about 4 miles left to go.

Well she made it and made it back to my mom's place too. Her feet were in bad condition though.
After lunch and resting for a bit, the headed home. I stuck around -avoids going all the way home & all the way back 'into town' (aka Boston)

So I'm on train heading for night out.
Trying not to think about how I could be home on the couch, watching tv.

Oh & my battery is at 20%!
[ & contacts are drying out :( ]
Great. Wrapping this up
* * * *
Thought I'd post pics of sister's kitties before I do:
Meet Stella & Sam(antha Carter [StarGate series])




via ljapp

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