
Feb 05, 2010 20:58

this should be a "tweet" as it answers "what's happening" but I know I'll go over the 140 character limit. Michael Shanks is on Smallville. Sooo cool. Awesome actor.
He's playing Hawkman of the JSA. Sad thing is I used to know what JSA stood for and had read many superhero comics growing up but have am now having to find out along with Chloe & Clark. Didn't remember Hawkman being human though - interesting twist. And the character has shorts! At least I think they were...excuse me - gotta watch. :)

...ok, this is 2 days late but - How f*king awesome was that Lost opener? I loved it. The "Sliding Doors" split contrast what they couldv'e been like and what they became. it fit the "loved, cried, loved it" bill perfectly. I definitely cried when Juliette died. oops - ads over. gotta go.
wow, nice reveal!
aaww no short :(
whoa! Martian Manhunter?!?! glad I picked tonight to actually watch this show again. :D
see I knew this would be more than Twitter could handle
and now I remember that I haven't caught up on Sanctuary in awhile...gotta rectify that.

smallville, michael shanks, lost

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