
Jan 11, 2006 20:02

Hours were cut at Circuit City because of Holiday's but I got a $1.50 raise and they are now increasing my hours a little more, they like me, they really like me! :D

Picked up a 2nd job at Vinny's Pizza doing deliveries, so trying to bank it all out because I need to start getting everything paid off. Things are good...

Hanging out with good people as of late, a couple of new people as well. Been chilling at Red Brick Station every Tuesday night now for $1 beer night, it's so kick ass. Donner and I have been kicking it old school style, and I love every minute of it. Been going to parties since New Years, most of them consist of going to Will's for them. It's been awesome, thanks to Will, Oz, Megan, Ali...thanks for being good hosts! Ryan being back in town, saw him for the first time since before he left. Very awesome!

Eric is the shit, he paid off the Sentra and there is a year and a half's interest knocked off! Fuck yeah...Been paying him enough in advance since things are starting to get better financially. Double payments every month, if I can keep up with it.

Hooked Steve up with a new head unit for the Lincoln and I am finally ready to title it out to him, but I dunno if he really wants to, he may get something else? Though I saved him good money on the headunit/install because my discount and putting it in myself.

Dyed my hair with the using the money Eric and Danielle put on a gift card from Hot Topic. It's now got bright red streaks in it, looks really nice. Donner and his mother (Monique) helped put the bleach in for me, since I couldn't see the back of my fat head. heheh

...being a good egg and having fun, isn't that what life's all about?

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