(no subject)

Jul 18, 2004 21:31

location: Bowmanville, Ontario
skin color: White
ethnicity/heritage: German
eye color: Light blue-green
hair color & style: Black, gay
career/occupation: Too lazy for either lol
sexuality: Hetero
reiligion: No comment
political party: Marijuana party
any unique idenity elements: No?
tatoos/peircings: 8, vertical labret, 5 in my ears, belly button
which hand does the writing: Right
marital status: Single
cigerette smoker: Cigarette fiend
college major/minor: Nope
---II - Engagement---
hobbies: What?
interests: Lots of stuff
sports/activities: None
instruments played: Guitar, I can play bass too
other engagements: FUWSGHIJGFJ
you speak: English and french
---III - Preference---
color: black
smell: ?
style: ?
store: None
book: perfume
writer/author: None
taste: Whipped Cream
perfume/cologne scent: Hawiian Ginger
country: Canada
culture: fdshgsjik
subject: kfdhkjgs
magazine/newspaper: kfdsjgiji
climate: Canadian lol
animal: Rat
---IV- Preference II- Music---
Music Genre: emo, screamo, grindcore, nintendocore, hardcore
musician: eh
band/artist: um...To hard
singer: Geoff Rickly
guitarist: Jimmy Page
drummer: Don't have one
pianist/keyboard/synth: Erik from HORSE The Band
dj/mc: None
rapper: None
song: Too hard
lyrics: How could you think that after all you put me through and all you put on my shoulder that I would answer your crys for help? Unleash the rage built up show you how you hurt me and hopefully you'll see you have the power to destroy my will to live
instrument: Keyboard
best album: Nevermind - Nirvana
best cover song: I dunno
favorite song to play: Crazy Train
favorite song to sing: I don't sing
radio station: NONE
music video: Don't know
best concert ever: It will be HORSE The Band!
artists you've met: None
most rock n roll moment: The death of Kurt Cobain. *cries*
---V - Preference III - Theatrical---
Genre: Comedy
Actor: Don't have one
Actress: Don't have one
movie: Trainspotting
play: None
tv sitcom: I don't really watch tv
charactor: None
cartoon show: Bevis and Butthead
cartoon charactor: Bevis
tv channel: None
documentary show: Kurt and Courtney
game show: None
game show host: None
sports programming: None
director/writer: None
lines from a movie: Don't know
lines from a show: Don't know
old b/w movie: Wizard of Oz. Partly b/w. Fuck you
stars you've met: None
other programs: Fuck off
---VI preference IV - Eating---
Style: Style of eating?
Dish: This is bullshit
resteraunt: Olympia
culture: Chinese
fast-food place: Harveys
meat: Chicken
vegtable: Brocolli
fruit: Cantalope
dessert: Fucking Neopolitan icecream
toppings/dressings: Whipped cream. It's a topping. Pssh
cereal: Corn fuckign Flakes
pizza joint: Pizza Hut
chineese food joint: Carnation
other joint: An oil joint. haha
snack: Drumstick
soda/drink: Vodka and Sprite
ice cream flavor: Neopolitan
candy: Jawbreakers
junk food: Dill Pickle chips
cookie type: Oreos
ultimate yummyness: Angel food cake, strawberries, and whipped cream
---VII preference V - more---
visual artist: ejtrheo
art style: Surrealism
art period/era: JSIJWGIJ
mueseum: Pssh
period in history: Don't care
mythology: Bullshit
favorite things to study: Nothing
favorite craft store: Fuck that
favorite clothing store: Don't care
vacation spot: Alannah's backyard
enviroment: Don't care
ideal spot for a home: Anywhere
ideal home: Don't care
---VIII preference VI - Realtionships/Sex---
Are you in a reltionship: No
Ideal Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Steve
Ideal Spouse(For marriage): Don't know
Are you married or plan to ever be: I plan to
Plan to have children #/names: Don't know
Ideal first date: Cuddling, movies, at home
Ideal way to spend time with her/him: Fucking cuddling
Ideal make out location: Where ever
Ideal sex location: Don't care
Odd Sex location: The moon
Sex-style: htdfhjdtfj
Sex position: virgin
Oral or Regular is better?: Oral's all I've done
Kinky stuff: pssh
Toys: I don't fuckin know
Other stuff: Whipped cream. lol That's like my answer for everything
Shower/bed/etc?: Don't care
Trick to preform: Wtf
Trick preformed on you: double you tee eff
Sexy game: I don't know
Sexy clothing: Nothing
CLothes half on or totaly off: Off
Lights on or off: Don't care
Way to tease: fuck that
---IX- Describing Experience Firsts/age---
first word: Probably dad or something. Isn't that everyone's first word?
first book: I don't know
First favorite toy: My pink bear. he was the shit
first favorite show: Don't know
first favorite music: I rememebr listening to Motorhead at age 6
first album ever owned: Nevermind the Bullocks, Here's The Sex Pistols
first favorite movie: I don't know
first wedding for who: My aunts. I was junoir bridesmaid haha age 7
first funeral for who: My great aunt. I founf her dead in a pond. Age 9
first date with who/where: Steve haha. We went to his place
first pet/name: My dog Sid. He's dead now. He was named after Sid Vicious
first peircing: Ears
first fight: Grade 1
first kiss with who: Steve <3
first sexual act with who: Steve
first time having sex: I'm a virgin
first alchohaulic beverage: I was really young. Like 2.
first smoked cigerette: I was 12
first drug experience: 13. My first time smoking pot. lol Good times :')
first time in signicant trouble: Oh geez. Um...I don't know lol
first vacation: Berlin
first time arrested: I was 13. Possession of alcohol lol
first time being drunk: 13
first time being high: 13
first instrument played: When I was little I had a keyboard I fucked around with lol I didn't actually know how to play though
first sport played: Soccer
other engagments as a kid: Don't know
first favorite video game: Don't know
first gay experience if any: Was 15
---X - good stuff preferences---
brand of cigerette: DuMaurier ultra light, DuMaurier special mild 100's, Export-a baby blue, Export-a gold, Peter Jackson Light ahahaha so many
brand of beer: Molson Canadian
brand of liqour: It's all fucking good lol
type of alchohaulic beverage: Vodka and Sprite
type of drug: P O T and oil
drug: pot and oil
bar: Too young
smoke shop: Don't care
head shop: Some place in Toronto
liqour store: LCBO!
drinking game: Don't know
toasting tradition: Pfft
kegs?bottles?cans?funnel?shots?etc..: FUCKING FUNNELS!
drinking buddy: Alannah
tokin buddy: Alannah
druggie buddy: ALANNAH!
place to drink: Bobcageons!
place to smoke: Under the bridge
bongs?bowls?blunts?joints?etc..: Give me anything
anything else?: BOTTLE TOKES!
---XI - Your Slang, favorite thing to say when?---
Term used meaning-thats cool: I don't know
Term used meaning-thats lame: That's cool
Term used meaning-lame person: Don't know
Term used meaning-gay person: None
Term used as a racial slur: Coon, nigger, cracka
Term used meaning-cool person: Christa
Term used meaning-Drunk: Usually right fucked, smashed, trashed
Term used meaning-High: baked, stoned, fucked
Term used meaning-Having Sex: f u c k i n g
Term used meaning-Prostitute: Whore
Term used referring to a Female: Chick
Term used as reffering to a male: Guy
Term used meaning-oral sex on male: Head
Term used meaning-Breasts: boobs
Term used meaning-Penis: Cawk
Term used meaning-Erection: Fucking boner. Such a funny word
Term used meaning-Ejaculating: Cum
Term used meaning-Vagina: I say vagina cause it sounds so funny
Term used meaning-Cigereette: smoke, cancer, cigarette
Term used meaning-Cocaine/Heroin/Marijuana: Marijuana- pot, weed, mary jane Herion- Smack Cocaine- Coke
Term used meaning-Orgasm: Cum
Term used meaning-permiscuious male: Walking STD
Term used meaning-permiscuious female: Walking STD
Term used meaning-smoking marijuana: Toking
Term used meaning-unattractive person: Usually HAHAHAHAHA!
Term used meaning-showing off: Showing off
Term used meaning-what's up: Sup bitch!?
Term used meaning-do you understand/agree: I don't know
Term used meaning-going to the bathroom: Don't know
Term used meaning-i dont understand: I don't fuckin know
---XII- Concepts/Opinons---
racism: Haha, I'm a racist as they come. But I'm only joking around
gay marriages: Don't have a problem
vegitarians: Don't care
vegans: Don't care
war: Pssh
green-peace: Pfft
republicans: Not American
democrats: Not American
lesbians: Don't care
gays: Don't care
bi's: Don't care
the american president: Not American
the american government: Not American
beggers/homeless: Blah
giving charity: Blah
protestors: These questions are dumb
activists: Why the fuck did I fill this out?
pre-marital sex: Don't care
abortions: Shouldn't be used as a form of birthcontrol
liberals: Hey, they're making pot legal
conservatives: meh
strippers/harlots/prostitutes: Gotta do whatcha gotta do to make money
dominatrix: DHSIFHSUJHOI
skin-heads: Don't care
terrorists: Bah
anarchists: Don't care
satan worshipers: Dont care
the occult: Don't care
christians: Don't care
hindus: Don't care
buddhists: Don't care
jewish: Don't care
technology: Don't care
cell-phones: Don't care
computers: Do't care
bombs: Don't care
gun-control: Don't care
9/11: Don't care
suicide: Stupid
death penalty: Don't care
crime & punishment: Don't care
cloning: Don't care
cosmetic surgery: Don't care
love: It seriosuly fucks you up
drugs: love em
child-abuse: Hate it
animal-abuse: mean
illigitament births: Don't care
mental institutions: Better to have them in there than out on the streets or something
cheating: Fuck that
gambling: Don't care
sins/virtues: Don't care
god: Don't know
satan: Don't know
the internet: Haha, It keeps me occupied
legalization of marijuana: FOR IT!
smoking in public areas: I think it's dumb that they made a law that you can't do it
pornography: Don't care
sex scandals in the church: Haha
the draft: People shouldn't be forced to go to war
sweat shops/labor: Don't care
experiments on animals: Don't care
violence: Don't care
violence in schools: Don't care
security of USA: Not American
violence in movies/video games: Don't care
vulgarity: Don't care
the youth of today: Don't care
te future of the nation: Don't care
your future: I don't plan ahead
the halocaust: Don't care
ghosts and other supernaturals: I believe
UFOS/aliens: Don't care
witch craft: Don't care
multiple gods: Don't care
jealosy: Don't care
pride: Don't care
gluttony: Don't care
lust: I'm in and out of it all the time
wrath: Don't care
greed: Don't care
sloth: Don't care
desire: Don't care
---XIII - Describe & Rate your---
Art skill: Pretty good if I do say so. I've been called an artist, and I think my work is really good.
writing skill: Not bad
musical skill: Pretty good
strength: Eh, i'm not the strongest person alive, but I can kick some ass if I wanted too
charisma: Pretty good
intelligence level: Pretty good
creativity: Good
talent: I've been told I have a lot of talent. Most of it goes to waste tohugh
speed: Fast as a nigger runnin' from the cops! ahahaha
self-esteem: Meh
personality: Good
athletic skill: Meh
lazyness: Pretty lazy
hard-work/effort: Blah
sense of time/direction: Shitty lol
teaching skill: Not bad
wisdom: Alright
knowledge: Good
who are your heros: Don't have any
who do you look up to: I live my own life
do people look up to you: Maybe
have you made anything: What
---XIV - The closing.. Your Life in a Soundtrack---
Birth song: These Questions are fucking hard.
Growing up song: I quit
learning lessons song: fhsf
influental song: gjgk
first kiss song: kgk
best friends song: Mistakes We Knew we Were Making
love song: Pressing Roses-Shattered Angel
making love song: ktgktgf
having wild sex song: Promiscuos Daughter-Cky
adventure song: Comfortably Numb-Pink Floyd
heartbreak song: Love Song-The Cure
sadness song: The No Seatbelt Song-Brand New
hate song: Cherry Kiss-From Autumn to Ashes
destruction song: Another Brick in The Wall Pt III-Pink Floyd
dance song: Do The Dramatic-Le Shok
party song: She Prefers Whips-Le Shok
crazyness song: In The Wake of The Bunt-HORSE The Band
falling asleep: Dying In New Brunswick-Thursday
waking up: ktfgkt
'F*ck you' song: Tulips Are Better-Atreyu
Funny song: kgftf
Odd song: ktgkgky
Classical song: kfgkit
Driving: Making Yourself AT home-The Starting Line
Revealation: Realization of How it's Always Been-Moneen
Death: Mercury Rising-From Autumn to Ashes

I spent like all fucking day doing that survey thing. omg
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