Don't bring the past to the present or to the future with you;

Oct 16, 2009 16:56

Okay a brand new start again! Cus i couldn't bear to delete all my entries on my previous livejournal, therefore I created this journal again. So counting, i had like 5 blogs right now.  Guess i won't lock this entry yet because apparently i got very few lj friends and i need to make more friends. My previous friends left me for a more popular crowd leaving me all alone. ):

Okay a few updates on what I did today. Basically I will treat this as my kpop journal, updating and mostly fangirl-ing. Hahah. Okay I should stop now because I got this feeling music bank is starting soon. Haha. (: And school is really startng soon means lesser time for me to watch my videos, fanfics, and partying like how i use to do so during the holidays, ):

XOXO, Yanping ♥
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