Letter Meme

Sep 05, 2008 12:26

Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter.
Post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.

getupandgo_25 gave me A and then she accidentally gave me S aswell, so I'm going to cheat and do half and half because A is seeming to be a little difficult for me...

1. All Saints

My fave girl group. I was a massive massive fan back in the day. I had all the CD's, all their books, all their merch etc. I was a big time fan. I loved Mel the most. I even got my first tattoo modelled off her's. I was soooooo bummed when they split and I was even more shocked when I read Nic and Nat's autobiography. It was really sad regarding what happened in the band.

2. Albums

I still love buying the real deal. Going shopping at JB for albums is like a field trip for me. I love reading the booklets and seeing who wrote what and who played on what and who they thanked and what photography was used. I don't think I'll ever stop buying CD albums.

3. August Rush

Right from the opening scene in the movie when I was sitting there in the cinema, I knew this movie was going to be something else! It's now been moved up the list to the top of my most fave movies, overtaking A Walk To Remember, Closer, Alfie and The Notebook. Whomever decided that Kerri Russell and Jonathan Rhys Meyers should pair up was a genius! And whomever cast Freddie Highmore was also a genius. I don't particularly like Robin Williams' character but I think he plays it well. For anyone that enjoys music this movie is a must see!

4. Australia

I know I harp on about England so much and how I often feel like I don't belong here in Australia, I really do love the country. We have so much to see here and we're so spread out. We have the most amazing beaches [hello Ballina, Lennox Head and Byron Bay!]. I love that we're largely unaffected by war and mass violence unlike other countries, and I never take that for granted. And for the most part, I love that we're so laid back and welcoming here. :)

5. A-League
It's the Australian League for football [soccer]. I just love soccer full stop but I love that we have such a great league here although I wish it would get more TV airtime and I wish they had more matches here so I could go to them. :)

6. Supernatural
How can anyone not get carried away with that show? I mean seriously! Jensen and Jared together is just gold. I love both the guys and I love the plots, and I love how emotional it's become but I almost wish it would go back to being as scary as it was in season one. I remember an ex-friend saying "Hey do you watch that new show Supernatural? Or probably not because you don't like scary stuff." Little did she know I was an X-Files fan right through the whole time it existed and SPN wasn't nearly as scary as that.

7. Summer
I live for the warm weather. Strange as I grew up somewhere cold. I just love the summer days and the summer nights. I know some people have trouble sleeping when it's that hot, but I don't. I don't have air con at home so I have to rely on an electric fan but I love it.

8. Seafood
Yum, yum and yum. I love fish, crab and prawns the most but I'll pretty much eat anything else aswell. I could go on for forever about how much I love seafood but I won't bore you.

9. Slams
I know a great deal of people on here wouldn't even know what they are but they're going on my list anyway. I've pretty much been swapping them for 10 years and they're soooo addictive. They're a massive massive part of my life and it's sometimes strange to think that they're such a huge part of my life and people on here have no idea about that. I love going to the letterbox or parcel box and finding a huge slam swap. It totally makes my day. :)

NOTE: For those not in the know - SLAMs are a book with questions in it that you have to answer. There's an explanation here at Wikipedia. Go down the page to where it says slams. I do swap the "small" or "paper" slams that they describe but most people now only swap exercise book sized ones as they're better quality. I swap them in 3kg size or megaboxes which are anything over 3kg up to 20kg.

10. Sudoku
I don't do as many as I once used to. At one point I actually got so addicted to them that I would start fretting if I hadn't done any in one day! So I had to ween myself off them for a bit. I still do them several times a week now.

Luv Bali.


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