Mar 16, 2009 11:00
- Available: Not at all
- Age: 20.
- Annoyance: Currently? The temperature in my office! 16 degrees??!WTF?
- Animal: I have a dog a cat and four ratties :D
- Actor: Maybe Jake Gyllenhaal...I don't really have a favorite
- Beer: Labatt Blue and Bud are...ok.Keiths can be bearable if I have already been I am not a big beer drinker but I can't even stomach the thought of Guinness or Corona(It's BS that Corona is good!)
- Birthday/Birthplace: September 27th/Labrador City
- Best Friends: I think the people I consider my "close friends" are all people I absolutely adore. I always call Paulie my best, and he is the friend I see the most (I mean other than Matt, but I mean friend-friend). That doesn't mean that i don't totally adore the people I see less though.
- Body Part on opposite sex:I guess it depends who the body parts are on? Different parts of different people. I like Melanie have a SEVERE foot phobia(as anyone who has accidentally touched my feet would know) though Matt's feet are actaully pretty...not gross. So far as feet go. Wow that somehow got off topic!
- Best feeling in the world: Feeling in general is the best feeling in the world. I don't think people in general realize how amazing that is. I think the best feeling in the world though is probably being loved and that crazy overwhelming happiness that makes your heart feel like it's being squeezed, but in a good way :)
- Blind or Deaf: Deaf I think. Though Id absolutely suffer with either, that is definately preferable for me.
- Best weather: Perfectly sunny and warm enough that you can go outside without freezing or dying of heat. Maybe a little breeze to keep the bugs away. Just a plain, nice day. Though I am awfully fond of thunderstorms.
- Been in Love: For sure
- Been bitched out?: More than once, lol.
- Been on stage?: Yes
- Believe in yourself?: I try to, I guess it depends on what I am beleiving in about me. In general yes though :)
- Believe in life on other planets: More than likely
- Believe in miracles: I think. I don't know. It's possible.
- Believe in Magic: Not really, though the idea of it is appealing.
- Believe in God: This is a tough one for me. I don't really beleive in god, but I do beleive there is (has to be?) something else out there. Is it weird that I kind of wish I beleived in god? Ive never been the type who could follow something blindly that I can't see or prove or know that it exists. I can't beleive in something that abstract, which is kind of sad. I think theres a lot of comfort in beleiving in something more powerful than yourself and that everything happens for a reason. Beleiving everyone you love, everything they were, everything unique and worthwhile about them will somehow rot in the ground some day is not a very comforting thought. That you will never see them again. I don't like to think that someday I will be nothing. This wishing I beleived in god thing is pretty recent actually. It happened though I don't know why. I used to say in a universe so amazing, the pure chance that life evolved, that you have a chance to think and feel breathe and live, that life will keep growing and moving, becoming new and dying for millions of years after you are nothing but dust, with so many secrets and mysteries that nobody will ever be able to understand in all of their existance...Isn't that enough?Why would you need god when life itself is already so complex and amazing? And that still is a comforting thought, but it doesnt really make up for the thought of everything I ever loved ceasing to exist (geeze, a mini rant eh? Mor etha you all needed to know!)
- Believe in Satan: God, maybe. Satan, absolutely not.
- Believe in Santa: haha...sure!
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Possibly. I don't really rule it out.
- Believe in Evolution: Absolutely!
- Car: for people who drive :p
- Candy:Hm, Im craving some sour patch kids right now!
- Colour: DArk blue and red.
- Cried in school: ahaha...yes.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: competition.
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese. Nopay chinese <3
- Cake or pie: Depends on what kinds
- Country to visit: No clue. But I wanna go to cuba again. And ireland, and australia
- Day or Night: Night
- Dream vehicle: I always wanted a vespa. I have a pretty nice scooter though!
- Danced: Yes?
- Dance in the rain?: yesh
- Do the splits?: Nope.
- Eggs: scrambled
- Eyes: Brown
- Everyone has a: Brain?
- Ever failed a class? Never
- First crush: No clue really.
- Full name: Ashlee Juanita Marshall
- First thoughts waking up: FUCK
- Food: I like the yummy, veggie kind :D Gah now im craving veggie lasanga
- Greatest Fear: People I love dying
- Giver or taker: Both
- Goals:No clue. Right now I am not really working towards anythign concrete. Be happy I guess, have fun.
- Gum: Extra bubble mint. My crack.
- Get along with your parents?:For the most part
- Good luck charm: I don't have one
In guys/girls
Eye colour: Brown or baby blue. Now though, I am definately liking the brown :)
Hair Colour: Not really picky. Usually dark.
Height: I don't care.Not wayyy taller than me, or way shorter than me. I like that Matt doesn't make me feel short(He's only 3 inches taller than me) It's a nice height. Perfect for hugs and kisses.
Clothing Style: I don't really care. Whatever they are comfortable in, within reason.
Characteristics: Oddly enough, it turns out I don't want half the things I always thought I wanted in someone- I don't really care what you want to do with your life or if you want a 9 to 5 job, 2.5 kids and white picket fence. I am happy with someone who is kind, funny, loving and generally huggable. Someone who is interesting and fun to be around. Who is just as impulsive and reckless as me and who can laugh at themselves. I don't need someone who makes sure I colour in the lines, I want someone who will happily scribble outside them with me :)
- Hair Colour: Brown
- Height: 5'4
- Happy: Definately
- Holiday: Closest is easter. I like Christmas.
- How do you want to die: I don't want to think about dying. I want to live :D
- Health freak?: Not really no. Less so as of recently thanks to kinder suprise breakfasts.
- Hate: Being loney or unhappy.
- Ice Cream: Vanilla
- Instrument: I don't play any
- Jewelry: Erm..I don't have a favorite peice and im not wearing any. I like my moon phase necklace i suppose.
- Job: Contractor for CNSOPB (scanning and library technician)
- Kids: Someday I want to have a kid or two, for sure
- Kickboxing or karate: Kick boxing
- Keep a journal?: Just my el jay now. Though I have kept others off and on through the years. None recently.
- Longest Car Ride: No clue
- Love: Is indescribable and exhilerating even when it hurts.
- Letter: A
- Laughed so hard you cried: A few times...hahaha
- Love at first sight: I think you can know instinctively the moment you see someone that they are going to mean something to you. I think you can have an instant connection, comfort and instant rapport with someone the first time you even speak to them, but I think love develops from those things, rather than these things being caused by loving someone if that makes any sense. So no... sort of...but kind of maybe yes but not at all?
- Milk flavor: I don't drink cow milk but when I do chocolate. I drink plain soy milk but with like cereal. My favorite milk to drink plain is vanilla almond milk. It's like giving your mouth an orgasm.
- Movie: White Oleander
- Mooned anyone?: Nope! Not intentionally anyway,lol
- Marriage: Someday I think I would like to get married if I really loved someone I can't see anything more amazing than spending your life with someone(shocker coming from me, I know!)
- Motion sickness? I read this as morning sickness...haha. NO to that! And yes on things like rides and boats occasionally, or if im reading the the car.
- McD’s or BK: Neither. Occasionally I will have of Matts 2 large fries, haha.
- Number of Siblings: 2 a brother and a sister
- Number of Piercings: 6
- Number: 3
- Overused Phrase : By me? SO
- One wish: I want to be happy and healthy and I want that for the people around me too!
- One phobia: I don't really have a "phobia" so to speak. I can't stand anyone or anything touching my feet. At all. I just don't like the sensation though? Not really a fear?
- Place you’d like to live: Here, for right now anyway
- Perfect Pizza: Tasty pizzas...tomato and pineapple no cheese extra sauce :D
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke.
- Quail: Cute
- Questionaires: Ok
- Reason to cry: Sadness
- Reality T.V.: Havent watched it ina bit. Sometimes the drama is hilariously awesome.
- Radio Station: I don’t listen to the radio.