[locked to Anne]

Jun 21, 2011 17:42

Hey, we didn't say goodbye because my sister showed up ( Read more... )

entry, locked to anne

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uponthewires June 22 2011, 06:54:45 UTC
Yeah! I am sorry I didn't say goodbye properly. I usually have much better manners than that, but I didn't want to intrude in the moment.

I mean, I didn't want to be a moment ruiner and I figured it'd be easier if I just slinked away.

There wasn't slinking so much as just walking but you know.

Hello again! :) I am happy you have found your journal and more importantly, that you found your sister.

I don't know about cool but I could definitely use more friends, too. I'd love to hang out. What do you do to hang out? I assume it's not just us literally...hanging, as then that might be anti-climactic.


breakthelock June 23 2011, 03:43:36 UTC
No, it's okay. I get why you wouldn't. Family reunions are awkward if you're not in the family yourself.

It was easier, but I'm glad for the journals so I could say hi and thanks again for everything.

I did found it, and yeah, my sister. It was a shock, but it's really cool that she's here.

Hey, I think you're cool. I'm completely an expert on those things. Uh, usually watch a movie or tv, sit around, listen to music. That kind of stuff. I don't know if there's anything exciting to do in Chicago. Mystic Falls, there wasn't... much. Just the balls and community events like Gone with the Wind in the park. Very girly movie. I was forced there by the way.

That would be anti-climatic and depending on what we were hanging from, it could get painful too. So no, there's no literal hanging.


uponthewires June 24 2011, 01:38:50 UTC
I was very happy for you. I mean, it's difficult enough with the... everything (I am super eloquent) and it helps to have people from your home world around. It doesn't always happen, so there really was a silver lining!

Silver dot. Something that was silver.

You are very welcome. Seriously, it was nothing. :)

I think you're cool, too. And there is always something to do in Chicago. For all of its crazy and faults and stuff, you have to give it that. There's never a boring moment. We can do all of those things!

Just not at once. I dunno if that would work out well.

I've never heard of Mystic Falls. I totally believe you were forced, though. That must've been terrible for you. :P

Awesome! Just let me know and I'm there.


breakthelock June 24 2011, 04:38:29 UTC
Yeah, my sister and I may fight sometimes, but I would call her more of a silver lining than a silver dot. Just don't tell her I admitted that to you.

Very silver.

Hey, still I appreciate it. :)

That's good to know. I'm guessing the something isn't always a good something. But I'll take not boring.

Yeah, it could be hard to be in multiple places at once. Just maybe.

It was! I was really suffering on that picnic blanket with food to spare and the girly movie up on the big outdoor screen. The things I do for my sister.

I'll hold you to that.


uponthewires June 25 2011, 05:44:32 UTC
I will not tell a soul, I promise!

I think it's sweet. And I think it means that you love your sister a lot. I bet she'd watch a manly movie to make up for it sometime.


So, listen. I really do want to be friends and hang out but there's something I kind of have to get out of the way because I feel like if I don't say it, I'm omitting something and omissions can be lies and that means there'd be an elephant in the room and no one likes elephants in their rooms and... stuff.

I'm a demon. And it's okay if that turns you off or makes you not want to be friends anymore.

I mean, I'll totally understand. But I kind of wanted to be upfront about that.


breakthelock June 25 2011, 06:18:18 UTC
Thank you. I appreciate it.

She might. I should try it.

Anne, it's cool with me that you're a demon. You said they were just like people, and my sister said the same thing to me. Demons and angels are both like people, right? I mean, I know it's more complicated than that, but you're a person to me. Not a demon.

I don't care that you're a demon. It doesn't mean you're not a good person or you're not someone I want to hang with literally or metaphorically.

Thanks for not wanting to omit with me. I'd get why you'd want to keep that to yourself, but you know if I'd had a problem with that, it'd kind of make me a dick. You're cool, and you're nice. If you weren't, you had all the opportunity when you found me to be not nice.


uponthewires June 25 2011, 06:40:31 UTC
It ... is?

I mean, I did say that. I did say it and I wasn't just saying it because I'm a demon. It's true that we're like people, just with something... the more that makes it very complicated.

But I take precautions and stuff.

Anyway, not everyone is cool with it and not everyone gives us the benefit of the doubt so I don't-- I mean, you'd find out anyway. My skin is really warm and when I get scared my wings slide out of my back and I mean. Complicated.

Which was totally not my way of being a downer on the conversation.

So, you're welcome for not omitting anything and thank you for understanding! :)


breakthelock June 25 2011, 07:00:38 UTC
It is. It definitely is.

Hey, you seem like the kind of person who would be aware of that stuff and take all the necessary precautions.

I know that there's the more that makes it more complicated, but I don't know. It just doesn't bug me, you know? I was hanging out with vampires where I'm from.

Yeah, complicated.No, I get it. You weren't being a downer. You were just trying to let me know and hey, it wouldn't be fair to you if one day, your wings slid out and I was a dick who broke our friendship off because of it or something. But you don't have to worry about me flipping out on top of everything else you probably have to go through cause of the complicated and the people who are prejudice.

You're totally welcome. :) We'll hang out soon, okay?


uponthewires June 25 2011, 07:43:03 UTC
Oh. That's really good.

Yeah, I do.

That's right. You mentioned that when we met. I like that about you. That you don't just judge someone by that right off the bat and you give them a chance first.

I don't know. I'd kind of understand. It's okay to freak out about something if you don't know or if I kept it from you. I mean, if you're gonna be friends with someone, you should know that kind of stuff.

But I know now not to worry about it, not that I was worrying, since you don't seem like that kind of person at all.

We definitely will. See you soon, Jeremy. :)


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