Apr 22, 2008 00:00
Holy fuckshit I'm still alive. I think. Must be the first time I've been on LJ in ages. So if you're reading this, I know diddly squat about your life if you posted it. Won't be catching up until finals are over so if you really want me to know what's new with you, condensed version as reply plox.
If you're curious (probably not), I've got less than 24 hours till the hardest exam of the year (last fall + this spring semester). Half organic chemistry-half biochemistry-all fuckyanintheassistry. Been studying nonstop but still got a bunch of stuff to go over. I take it at 8PM tomorrow then get home and start studying for Genetics midterm (exactly a week from this exam), the second hardest exam of the year. Fuck yeah life is AWESOME. Got nothing to look forward to since all invites to do shit I gotta turn down.
At least the weather is damn awesome.