Chapter Six: Nightmare [Dream || Public]

Nov 12, 2011 23:07

Warnings: Blood and possibly torture. A bit of spoilers from Chapter 9: Homecoming (not exactly a retelling of the episode though). Also Sylar, he's a warning in itself.

Effects: (Optional; Not interactive) Absolute fear and terror. There's also the feeling of your skin being cut off starting from your forehead. Then the feeling of every bone in your body broken slowly.

Note: Bloody parts filtered from the youngins.

The first thing one may be aware of when the dream begins is that Claire was soaked in blood from head to toe. The second thing was the girl had been running down a very dark and gloomy hallway. She had no idea how far she was running nor how long but she couldn't stop now. Not when her very life depended on it. Even if her breath was ragged, her legs were about to buckle from exhaustion, she had to keep going.

Suddenly, her feet weren't touching the floor anymore. Some unknown force had lifted her up and then slammed her hard into the wall. She cried out, feeling something snap inside her. The pain would subside momentarily thanks to her healing ability but this moment of relief will not last. A sharp pain shoots from the corner of her head and it started to spread at an excruciatingly slow rate. It was as if whoever was doing this wanted her to suffer before she breath her last.

Then a figure of a man emerged from the shadows. She couldn't see his approach but the atmosphere around them started to become darker, heavier as she heard him come closer... and closer.

Finally, she could hear his smooth voice in her ear. "Hello Claire. I've been waiting for you."

She tried desperately to move any part of her body but it resulted into more pain. Every bone in her body was being broken. One. By. One.

"You can't hide from me forever."

[Claire wakes up screaming, shooting out of bed immediately. While trying to calm herself down, her hands immediately go to her forehead, trying to feel if there were any cuts sustained from the dream at all. She heaves a sigh of relief when she found none. But now she could feel that her head was pounding incessantly.]

Ugh. Great. Just great.

dream, ic, damn it sylar, nightmare fuel

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