Chapter Two: Satisfaction [Dream || Public]

Sep 07, 2010 15:44

Warnings: I guess minor spoilers for Chapter Nine: Homecoming. Claire KO'ing Jackie Wilcox probably counts too. XD
Effects: At first, shock and then just the sweet, sweet satisfaction of punching a bitchy cheerleader in the face.

((ooc: This takes place before Claire gets sleep coma'd. >w>;; I had this idea for a long time and this week's theme is perfect for it 8D))

After running Brody Mitchum's car into a brick wall and injuring him senseless while she got off without a scratch, Claire was sure that the football team and the cheerleading squad won't be too happy with her (Understatement of the year right there). Of course all they were worried about was winning the big game, not that Brody has been forcing himself on girls like Claire and Lori Tremmel. Oh no, they had more important things to go postal about.

A pariah. That's what Jackie called her while they climbed down the amphitheater steps to see who won the homecoming race after the principal posted the results on the bulletin board . After all that's been happening to her lately, Claire was finding herself to care less and less what Jackie Wilcox had to say about her. Imagine the cheerleader's surprise when she read the name "Claire Bennet" under the title of Homecoming Queen.

It was surreal. Claire never imagined she would win. It became more and more unbelievable when people she didn't even talk to before started to congratulated her while she and Zach were making their way back to the school building.

Like this one boy reading a comic book. Never spoken to him, not even acknowledged his existence before but he went, "Holla to the queen!" when the pair walked past him.

Claire couldn't help but smile and reply in kind. "Holla back!"

Her attention then shifts back to Zach, still bewildered about everything taking place. "Everybody who wasn't my friend is now my friend, and everybody who was my friend, isn't."

Zach just grinned, leading Claire to what looked like a row of bright red lockers up ahead. "Well, it's not a popularity contest; it's an unpopularity contest 'cause you rocked the freak vote."

That made the girl furrow her borrows, giving Zach a weird look. "I what?"

Zach continued, "Look, everybody who's like Jackie voted for Jackie, and everybody who isn't voted for you. And in this school, the unpopular vastly outnumber the popular. Made for a good campaign strategy."

Even though the boy couldn't see Claire's expression while he was fishing something out of his locker, the blonde was scoffing at him, crossing her arms and looking at her old friend closely.

"You campaigned for me? Why? You think all this school spirit stuff is stupid."

It looked he found what he was looking for and shuts the locker closed before continuing to speak.

"I never said it was stupid. I said it's beneath you. But obviously it's important, so whatever. Now you have a little piece of your old life back, okay? Just don't start acting like a bitch again."

Claire couldn't help but let a tiny smile slip out because of that. But the surprises didn't stop there. Zach held up a very thick book for Claire to see.

"Look, I got this off of the Internet.

It supposedly has this really big chapter on spontaneous regeneration, so I thought it might enlighten you on the whole Miracle-Gro of it all."

Apparently, the book was for her. Claire takes the book with both hands, skimming the pages for a moment before her gaze settled on Zach. She just didn't get it. Why was he doing this for her?

Zach definitely noticed the look on her face. "What's with you?"

"You're being so nice. I've never been this nice to you. I mean, I've been nice, but I could be nicer."

"Then why don't you?"

Before Claire could answer the boy, Jackie and the other cheerleaders walked up to her, a smirked was playing on her face.

"Congratulations, Claire. Mmm, is the gay boy your date? You should tell him, only one of you gets to wear the tiara."

Claire wasn't so sure what made her do it. Maybe because she had already seen who her real friends were and it was certainly not her. All she remembered was balling her hand into a fist, pulling back and then decking Jackie Wilcox right on the face.


And down Jackie went.

[Claire wasn't going to lie. That was probably one of her best dreams ever. She curls up on her side, unaware that the Dreamberry was glowing after recording her dream.]

dream, ic, defended zach's honor, right on the kisser, event'd, holla to the queen!, jackie deserved that, damn that felt great

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