010th Shattering * Action

Nov 24, 2010 19:38

[This is madness!! Except not. It's just Luceti. Good old Luceti in which all this madness is actually normal. If there's one thing all those experiments serve to study properly is how long does it take people to accept all this crazy stuff as normal. At first there's always confusion, fear even and several weak complains. Then comes a first level of resignation, accepting it all as normal and just trying to get over it. Upon realizing one is doing exactly that comes the anger, because those things shouldn't be considered normal damnit!

And that's the stage Keiichi currently is, though it's rather had to tell if it's really that or the fact that ever since Sunday he has been teleporting at random times and places all around and having his thoughts displayed for everyone to see. During those past days it has been quite sporadic, specially the teleporting shenanigans, which is good because he has enough with the thought bubbles and the madness that has gotten into many people he knows and what not.

Today, however, Keiichi will find his patience challenged and defeated until nothing was left of it by the awesome event of relocating himself somewhere else. Today, Keiichi will be teleporting all around Luceti, sometimes he'll be lucky and it will be only a couple of steps away from where he was, others may leave him right where he wanted to be, but most of them will leave her in less favorable situations. Which he should have taken into account at a certain moment when he steps into the shower, but he's stubborn and he doesn't want to let the experiment ruin his routine and what not.

Did I mention that Keiichi has been turned into a girl since the previous day and doesn't even realize that bit? Because it has happened, really. Keiichi Maebara is now Keiko Maebara, ponytailed teenager with a C cup at your service.

How will you have your Keiko today, Luceti?]

*event, !action, [rpg] luceti

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