App for betenoire_rp

Apr 01, 2010 23:49

1. Player Information
Name (or internet handle): Mara
Current characters in Bete Noire: Everett Young, Benjamin/Delta

2. Character Information
Name: Dani Reese
Livejournal Username: breakpattern
Fandom: NBC's Life

3. Character Information II

Age/Appearance: Dark hair, skin tone that isn't quite white (reflecting her half-Persian heritage), on the short side of average. She looks a little too pretty to be a cop, something that suspects, witnesses and fellow police officers often remark on. Strong, physically fit.


Personality: On the surface, Dani is a sarcastic, matter-of-fact, second-generation cop. She grew up in a cop family (though her father never wanted her to follow in his footsteps, as a law enforcement officer), she knew her whole life that she'd be a cop, and, once she became a cop, she was damn good at it. She's focused, she's cool-headed in the face of danger, and she knows what she's doing. Furthermore, she doesn't like people wasting her time.

Of course, that's just the surface. Beneath it, Dani buries one hell of a lot. Because of being that good of a cop, that bright of a rising star in the department, it meant that she was selected for an undercover op. It meant that she dipped a little too deep into drugs and sex and alcohol, and it meant that she had to go through rehab, and had to depend on her highly-placed cop father to bail her out, otherwise she would've gotten fired. She would've said that she was a social drinker. That she did "a little blow". And then all of that changed when her junkie boyfriend dumped her, and when everything fell apart.

Dani is an acutely sensitive person. She never quite fulfilled the expectations of her father, which weighs on her, even if she doesn't consciously realize it. Her failure haunts her, and the self-destructive cycle begun while in undercover ops never really stopped -- one-night stands, having a casual drink at a bar before heading to an AA meeting. She's already made up her mind that no one's going to get close. She used to describe herself as the type to get paranoid. Now she doesn't call it paranoia. It's justified. People are untrustworthy. She's better off alone.

And this is where her partner, Charlie, comes in. She shows little patience for his odd quirks of behavior, at first taking them for signs of unreliability. But, then, after being proven wrong about him -- after his leaps of intuition and his strange, sideways outlook starts cracking cases -- she starts to trust him. Starts to regard him as her partner. Even to the point where she'd lie to her boss, and take Charlie's side, in order to protect him. In spite of herself, she begins to trust him.

Dani's broken. But she's not about to fall apart, and she's not broken beyond repair. She just needs someone to trust.

Sexual Preferences/Orientation:

Man: Do you want to know my name?
Dani: If I'd wanted to know your name, I would have asked for it.
Man: Well, are you going to call?
Dani: Can't call if I don't know your name.

Sex, for Dani, is one-night stands. She's not interested in commitment. In fact, she's actively uninterested in commitment. When she walks into a bar, and picks out someone to hit on, she goes for the married ones. She gets drunk, and she fucks them, and she leaves. Physical release, and control, and the guarantee of no one ever leaving her.

On a more overreaching note, Dani is straight, and usually the dominant sexual partner. She likes being on top. She likes being in control. And she likes knowing that she can deny her partner if she wants.

Anyone who manages to keep her around for more than one night would find that she can be playful, teasing and fun in bed; and if anyone manages to keep her around for more than one night, she'll find out, again (because she's made herself forget) that sex with someone you care about is much, much more fulfilling than the drunken one-night stands she's used to.

Powers: None.

Reason for playing:

I used to play Charlie Crews. Something about his gentleness and off-beat nature appealed to me. But my reason for playing him wasn't just him, it was in his relationship with his partner. The slow developing trust between Charlie's zen innocence/worldliness, and Dani's tired exasperation.

Charlie's a pretty flashy main character. He's very quirky, very unique, and it would've been so easy for the show to put a woman in the co-star position who was flat, who existed only to really make Charlie's jokes work, someone who was by-the-book and nothing else. Instead, Dani was complex, more than enough so to hold her own against him. She was a fantastic character in her own right.

And, finally, the show didn't fall into the trap of romantic tension, between the two of them. There was no explicitly stated sexual tension, in the script. They didn't downgrade Dani's status to romantic co-star. But there was a subtle, interesting tension that was always there, somewhere in between platonic and romantic.

4. Original Character Supplement
World History: What kind of world is your character from? This part can be short, but it must focus on the particular character's context. What was their world like, from their point of view?
Character History: Let us have a summary of the highlights, the turning points of your character's history. What was it that made them who they are?

5. Samples

Crews? I don't want to talk about Crews. I don't want to talk about getting him as a partner, I don't want to talk about his settlement, and I definitely don't want to talk about him hugging me in the middle of the squad room.

And I don't want to talk about his house.

…he's got a nice house, yes. It's big. No furniture. Cause he's Crews. That's just how it is.


She sees the gun glint in the man's hand.

Amateur mistake. A nice, shiny, nickel-colored gun, in the guy's hand before he even went inside the convenience store. Bright and polished enough to reflect the dirty light from the street lamp.

Dani's hand moves to her gun, and she pauses. She doesn't see any other cop cars around -- reaches for her radio, instead. "Calling all units," she says, "possible armed robbery. Officer in need of assistance, on," and she glances to the street names, reads them out loud, for the radio.

And then pauses.

She doesn't remember ever coming across either of those streets. And, on top of that, she doesn't remember any part of LA being so … wrecked. What happened, was there a fire around here recently?

Dani's hand moves to her gun, again, but this time she draws it. Slips out of the car, closing the door quietly behind her, and heads up towards the entrance to the store. Fighting the strange, creeping feeling of dirtiness.

Whatever. She'd get this guy, go home, and take a shower. Just one more day on the job.

Third-Person #2:

She fumbles off her blouse, tank top, starts to pull off her bra but he's already there, fingers pulling at the clasp between her shoulderblades. Clumsily, drunken, and probably not that skilled at unfastening bras in the first place, but maybe he feels like he has to do something, has to feel like he's done something.

She yanks the bra over her head, out of his hands, and shoves him back down onto the bed, letting him wiggle out of his pants. His erection kind of bobs, with the force of his landing, and she has to stifle the urge to laugh.

Only a few moments later (luckily, she can keep foreplay to a minimum), he's deep inside her, clinging to her waist as she rocks her hips, rough, her weight on her knees, letting him thrust hard inside her.

The orgasm is just on the border between mediocre and truly satisfying. Kind of disappointing, overall, but good enough to be worth the effort spent in getting it.

She doesn't spend long in bed, afterwards. She has work tomorrow. He falls asleep fast. And he snores.

With a roll of her eyes, she slides out from under the covers, pulling on her blouse, half-buttoning it. She passes by the two glasses, the half-empty bottle of tequila on the hotel desk. Considers taking the bottle, but decides against it.

The door closes quietly, behind her, and she runs a hand through her hair. Time to head home.

what: app, where: betenoire_rp

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