Fic Dump: Head Canon and a C-c-c-combo breaker!

Mar 30, 2011 01:06

Got some prompts via the magic of tumblr and the ask box; these are the prompt fills.

"Title": Anon asked for Shea/Julianne, Anon got Shea/Julianne
Author: Claro
Disclaimer: Everything important came from other people.
Ship: ...Shea/Julianne
Rating: FRT
Summary: Shea doesn't like what he sees.

Title: Lloyd Lowery
Author: Claro
Disclaimer: Everything important came from other people.
Ship: Lloyd/Julianne (I know, you're shocked.)
Raiting: FRT
Summary: Five snippets for my head canon

Title: Shea Daniels
Author: Claro
Disclaimer: Everything important came from other people.
Ship: Shea/His-Still-Unnamed-Lady
Rating: FRT
Summary: Five snippets from my head canon

character: lloyd lowery, category: gen, ship: julianne/shea, type: drabble, rating: frt, ship: julianne/lloyd, ship: shea/ofc, character: julianne sims, fanfiction, category: het, character: shea daniels

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