Dec 21, 2004 21:52
What is your baby's birthday? How old are they now?
April 9, 2004 and she is 8 months old
Was she early, late or on time?
3 weeks early
Did you know the sex of your baby before he was born?
How much did she weigh and how long was she?
6lbs 1oz and 18 inches
How long was your labor?
5 hours
Did you have a vaginal birth or a c-section?
If you had a vaginal birth, did you have any pain medications?
Nope had her natural
Did your water break on its own or did it have to be broken?
Had to be broken
Who was in the delivery room with you?
My mom and Larry
If you could, is there anything you would change about your birth experience?
I wish I was able to watch it.
Did you have an OB or midwife?
What one thing about your baby's birth really sticks out in your mind?
How much I wanted to hold her.
What one thing do you remember most about your baby when you saw her for the first time?
How beautiful she was and how much she looked like me.
After your baby was born, what was the very first thing you ate & drank (if you remember)?
I had a fish dinner cause it was good friday