(no subject)

Sep 16, 2004 21:05

[Birth date] 12-12-1981
[Birthplace] Warren
[Current Location] Warren
[Eye Color] Hazel
[Hair Color] Brown with blonde highlights
[Height] 5'7
[Righty or Lefty] Righty

[Innie or Outie] Innie
[Zodiac Sign] Sag

[Year of the...] I forgot
[Current Mood] Happy
[Current Hair] pony tail
[Current Annoyance] nothing

[Current Smell] food that Larry made

[Current thing you ought to be doing] nothing
[Current Desktop Picture] Picture of my daughter Destiny
[Current Favorite Groups] Don't really have any
[Current Worry] Dying
[Current Crush] Larry


[The shoes you wore today] Brown flip flops
[Your weakness] not being assertive
[Your fears] Dying and something happing to my family
[Your perfect pizza] Ham, black olives and mild peppers
[Most exciting moment of the day] Playing with Destiny and being with Larry
[Your perfect day] Dont know

[Your perfect date] A nice romantic dinner and walk
[Goal you'd like to achieve] Get a good job so my daughter can have everything she wants

[Your most overused phrase on AIM] lol
[Your thoughts first waking up] Time to feed Destiny
[Your best physical feature] my eyes
[Your bedtime] whenever i get there
[Curfew] none

[Your greatest accomplishment] having a baby
[Your most missed memory] cheerleading
[Your most embarrassing moment] Falling off my desk in high school and catching my fake nail on fire
[Favorite movie] Titianic
[Favorite song] Too many
[Type of music] a little bit of everything
You prefer...

[Guys or Girls] guys
[Pepsi or Coke] Pepsi
[McDonald`s or Burger King] burger king
[Single or group dates] Single
[adidas or nike] adidas
[Chocolate or vanilla]chocolate
[Cappuccino or coffee] cappacino
[Beach or the Pool] beach
[tall or short] tall
[shoes or slippers] shoes
[staying home or going out] going out

[night or day] Night

Do you...?

[smoke] no
[sing well] sometimes

[Do you think you've been in love] Yes
[Want to go to college] yes i'm going back
[Like high school] not really
[Want to get married] Yes
[have kids] yeah I have one daughter already
[Believe in yourself] sometimes
[Get motion sickness] on rides
[Think you're attractive] yeah
[Think you're a health freak] no
[Get along with your parents] yeah
[like roller coasters] used to not anymore!
[like thunderstorms] scared of them still lol
[Play an instrument] used to play the flute

Past month have you...

[Drank alcohol] yeah

[Smoked] no
[Done a drug] nope
[Gone on a date] yes
[Kissed anyone] Yes
[Gone to the mall?] yes
[Eaten an entire box of Oreos] no
[Eaten sushi] nope
[Been on stage] no
[Been dumped] no
[Gone skating] no
[made homemade cookies] no
[Gone skinny dipping] naw
[Dyed your hair] nope
[stolen anything] nope

Have you ever...

[Played a game that required removal of clothing] yes

[If so, was it mixed company] yes
[Been trashed or extremely intoxicated] yup
[Been caught "doing something"] yes
[Been called a tease] yes
[Gotten beaten up] no
[Asked someone out] yup

The Opposite sex (or the same?)...

[Best eye color] blue
[hair color] brown
[piercings] hot
[Short or long hair] short
[Best height] 5'9+
[Best articles of clothing] none
[Features] eyes and abs

[Best first date location] anywhere
[First kiss location]anywhere

[Are you a virgin] no........

Number of...

[Number of drugs taken illegally] 2
[Number of people I could trust with my life] 5
[Number of CDs that I own] alot
[Number of piercings] 2
[Where] ears
[Number of tattoos] none
[Where] no where yet
[Number of times name has appeared in the newspaper] couple
[Number of scars on my body] dont know never counted

[Number of things in my past that I regret] a lot

The future...

[Age you hope to be married] 26 but it'll never happen
[Numbers and Names of Children] Well I have one daughter named Destiny but if I ever have a boy than Jayden
[Describe your Dream Wedding] On a beach
[Where you want to go to college] I will be going to Baker
[What do you want to be when you grow up] Medical Assistant now than a Nurse
[Where do you want to end up] Having desent amount of money and a happy family and being happy
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