(no subject)

Mar 02, 2006 20:15

my teeth hurt.

he called me last night as i was throwing up. like, mid-throw.

how... appropriate.

my work sched sucks this week

thursday i'm scheduled to work at both jobs, both at the same time of each other...


that can only mean one thing. means i totally fkkkkkkkkked up on my schedule at work. of course it had to be the job that has very little shift coverage. i mean, 3 people, including myself run the whole store.


I already made her change the schedule for me once this week, since it turned out i was supposed to be at the other store wednesday, not her store. i looked at the wrong schedule this time.

damn damn damn damn. i hate disappointing people. calling her again for the second time in 3 days and telling her to reschedule everything AGAIN because i fkkkkkkkkkked up and can't work thursday either - ugh - makes me feel soooo shitty. like, she's never going to want to schedule me at her store again. i'll be stuck at the other, lame, lower volume store.

2 jobs, 3 stores. 3 managers, 3 schedules. what the assssss man.
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