First best friend: Miren!..i miss her
First car: Don't have one yet..
First screen name: Moody596..damn that one is old
First self purchased album: I think it was Britney spears hahaha
First funeral: My grandpas
First pets: Snowflake, Ginniepig
First piercing/tattoo: Both ears
First credit card: None
First true love: Theo
First enemy: i don't remember
First big trip: move there for like 2 months and then move back to N.Y for no reason at all.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Wow...probably Elvis Costello
Last car ride: Coming home from Borders
Last library book checked out: Insomnia...
Last movie seen: Mr.Deeds
Last beverage drank: Coke
Last food consumed: Chicken noodle soup
Last time showered: 1:30ish
Last shoes worn: My sandles
Last cd played: The yeah yeah yeahs
Last item bought: Mocha latte
Last annoyance: My mom walking into my room
Last disappointment: Steph not being able to hang out tomorrow/ somethin with theo
Last time wanting to die: A week ago.
Last time scolded: My mom a few hours ago for being lazy
Last shirt worn: Grey tank top
Last website visited:
Name: Cassandra Juliet Victoria Plank
Birthdate: May 7th 1989
Birthplace: New york
Current location: Smithtown,LI
Eyes: Darkish green
Hair: light brown
Height: 5'6"ish
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Your shoes you wore today: My sandles
Your fears: Hights,Cats ( but i'm sorta almost over that one),Death, The dark ( yes i'm scared of the dark..i'm a pansy),rejection
Your perfect pizza: Peppers/Chicken
Goal you'd like to achieve:Leave smithtown, get a apartment in the City, go to a really good college, be happy.
Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it?
Your best physical feature: hm. My eyes i guess
Your bedtime: between 2-4am so patheic
Your most missed memory: Morgin's beach party was a time never to forget.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendys can kick both thier asses
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: i don't really like either
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Smoke: Nope
Drink: Not very often.
Cuss: More than i should lol
Sing: I wish i could...
Take showers daily: Yeah, i'd feel nasty if i didn't
Have a crush: i don't even know anymore.....= /
Think you've been in love: Pretty sure, either that or it was an extremely strong liking
Want to go college:Yup
Want to get married: It would be nice..
Believe in yourself: Why not
Get motion sickness: Not very often
Think you're attractive:haha,average
Think you're a health freak: Sorta
Get along with your parents: Love/hate relationship
Like thunderstorms: dude, Hurricanes are more awesome.
Play an instrument: guitar
Layer.6 - In the Past Month..
Had sex: nope
Gone to the mall: hm..yeah
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Almost!..i ate half
Eaten sushi: nope
Been on stage: nope
Gone skating: yup
Made homemade cookies: yeah..i'm a little martha stewart
Gone skinny dipping: not really..
Dyed your hair: tried too.
Stolen anything: tanning oil from my sister..oh i'm a rebel..someone put me in jail i'm such a badass.
Layer.7 - Have You Ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: define, extremely intoxicated..yeah
Been called a tease: oh all the time from the school boys *teehee* haha
Got beaten up: people tend to not beat me up.
Age you hope to be married: never really thought about long as its before age 30.
Number and name of children: One son..i like the name Allister for a boy or Al.. i never want to have girls
How do you want to die: In some freak paper clip accident or something so orginal like that.
Where do you want to attend college: Somewhere in New york city
Dream joblife: i have alot of dreams..
Country you want to visit: U.K
LAYER.9 - In a Guy/Girl
Best eye color: Blue
Best hair color: Black
Short or long hair: shortish long
Height: Taller than me
Best weight: As long as there not fat
Best clothing: Anything skater like, i don't know..those clothes attract me lol but in general i really don't care.
Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
Number of CDs that I own: a shit load
Number of piercings: 4
Number of tattoos: none, but in the future 3
Number of times my name's been in the news: I in general am not in the news Nor is there anyone famous named Cassie or Cassandra so Never.
Number of scars on my body: 5 or 6.
Number of things in my past that I regret: A few..
Number of girls you've kissed: lol but i don't go that way
Number of boys you've kissed: i'm saying 4 or 5
Number of people you've had sex with: i'm a virgin