Jan 20, 2007 11:02
Just wanted to remind everyone that I'm alive and well here in Chicago. I've been out here since the beginning of October 2006 for those who fail to keep regular updates with my life. ;o)
As expected, it's different here. Life is certainly more aggressive, complex, and fast-paced. Never a bad thing if that is what you are searching for. As for myself, I'm doing well. Currently I am a fundraiser for DialogueDirect, working on behalf of Save The Children. Who would have thought I would get mixed up in that? Basically, my job is to stand outside and stop people on the sidewalks, signing them up to be a sponsor. Sounds like crap to you? Fair, I wouldn't throw stones at the notion. However, it's good pay (if you do well at it) and my coworkers are--to say the least--the shit. Amazing people from all different countries or backgrounds. Love 'em. It's a simple job, but it's not easy (i.e. bitchy people, cold weather, long hours on your feet, etc). But hey, so far so good.
In regards to pursuing my dream (music video director), that has currently taken a backseat during my journey to figuring out what I can or cannot do career-wise. Let's face it--I may have the heart, but that doesn't guarantee talent. I may have the talent, but that doesn't always bring in money. It's hard. I'm very much at a dilemma with what I should do. My plans do include going back to school and finishing up my Associate's. I'm 3 classes away, so my goal is to get it done this summer. From there...I don't know.
Basically, I have no clue as to where I am to go once the lease is up here in Chicago. Stay here? Work different places, figure out what I want to do, meet people...? Or move somewhere else? Perhaps transfer to Boston and work as a dialoguer there for a while. Maybe go to California and get my ass in gear to do video work. Could be one of the Carolinas that will satisfy my love for warm climate and hospitality. I don't know, but I s'pose I should figure this out fast. I may be 21, but I feel like my time is running out. Part of me doesn't care and is content, and the other part of me feels the anxiety of it all. Living on the edge? If there's a mattress to catch my fall, I'm all for it. But there isn't, and that reality stinks.
Enough of that shit, right? Honestly, I'm doing great. No regrets. It was hard in the beginning, but now things are finally settling. We even have a cat now! See? Now that spells success. ;o) I wish the best for those in Muskegon. Whether you plan on staying there or moving, two thumbs up for whichever will make you happiest. I'll be here for now in case any of you would like to visit (or visit again). Take care of yourselves. I love ya lots, and miss you more. Adios for now!