Feb 27, 2006 01:43
Haha, Okay get this. Everyone knows how my dating is off cause when i got my new computer right? Well some people in this community, bitched about it. I mentioned how on x-mas eve. whomever I talked to, how i couldent find just basic sugar cookie dough instructions so I could cut out x-mas trees so my little sister can have something to decorate. Well yup, I asked a comminuty "is there any recipies that dont need/have(forgot what I said) weird spices. and dont need vanilla extract" Because everyone know how my dad has the DUI etc. Well these people, take it upon themselfs to act how we SHOULD be acting. (making infun of eachother) and starts 'dissing' my entry HAHA. Go to my last journal entry and click on the "you've bein tagged" an anonymous person sent it to me. I was on the phone with michelle. But oh my goodness I laughed.
To believe. American people today, can do nothing better, but bitch about people they dont have ANY clue about.
thought I would give them a kick on letting them know that yes, I spent some time on them too. Ha. Ill show you guys tomorrow what recipies had the weird ingredients in them. And coming from someone that has a chef for an aunt. these spices were pretty weird for a x-mas cookie.
Anywho. on to the rest of the night
I took some pictures, Got some of addy hehe. I kinda cleaned my room up. I cooked a cake, And made a hot chocolate drink with coffee in it. gosh it was really yummy, ill make it for the people that come over tomorrow.
Sikka im picking you up tomorrow around 12-1 ish. ^_^ remember movies! oh did you ever get the batman film burnt? <3
anywho. Im a wee bit tired. ^_^ off to bed.