oh reviews? :

Sep 20, 2004 07:57


the psycho couple riding on the L
There was a very odd couple that came onto the L a few days ago. Beginning the ride the female combed the male's moustache while the male unbuckled the females belt (which remained unbuckled for the rest of the ride thru the transfer from the blue line to the red line). During the ride however the male of the 2 was continually chanting "must respect all sexes" post performing stripper type moves with the vertical holding bar to impress 2 young girls. Following this the female showed her disappreciation for the acts by walking away from him at the stop... He then wandered around aimlessly mumbling things to himself and telling people around him that they are beautiful. GOOD DUDE.

show: (a.) outbreak show & (b.) the killer show
(a.) I don't even like outbreak but I like when they cover the bad brains.
(b.) Only highlights included: the killer and seeing rick for the first time in what seemed like forever

nas "theifs theme"
How good is this song? The sample of innagodanavita (sp?) really makes it and gives it that kinda "sneaky" feeling. I hope the rest of the record is as good.

me being sick of all the shoes I own
This sucks. Someone buy me a new pair or two. Its a good thing that sketchy dude gave me a "special deal" on the last ones I bought cause I never wear them. Weak.

the kid who works at the EB by me
Is hot. Too bad he's like 17 or something.

PS - And this is a compliment coming from me considering how picky I am with looks.
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