(no subject)

Aug 22, 2004 23:57

hmmm, much to say.

i worked 44.25 hours this week, which is sick. both because that's a ton of work and because it will only make me $250 even with time and a half for overtime. i also got a 25 cent raise. now we're talkin.

jeff left friday and then came back yesterday. i was so happy to see him. we watched a movie last night and then i worked all day today and we had a really good dinner. now we're just laying around. his room is finally completely bare and it's very odd. but marissa comes on tuesday and i don't work wednesday, so maybe we can have an afterschool adventure or two. you know...stalking. even though we start classes next week, i still have 31 hours. hopefully i'll stop getting so many hours (never thought i'd say that) or i'm gonna burn out fast. they finally have me opening by myself on sundays, which is good and bad.

and pedro is getting bigger. he's pretty much lost his little patch of baby fur, and he eats lettuce like he's about to die.

awww my picture-perfect baby.

action shot!

bunny stretch.

this is him under the dresser in my closet and behind one of the boards that keeps the drawer in. it's his favorite hiding place. or it was until he chewed through my favorite shirt and i kicked him out.

hm. jeff leaves tomorrow. i love him.
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