car accident

Oct 22, 2006 13:58

Last night I got into a car accident. Everyone in the car is ok but the car is fucking totaled. Just bruised a little. We were all singing along to the Ipod and then I look up from the back seat on the drivers side and at the same time Danyal who was riding shot gun looks up and we both are like, are we on the wrong side of the road? WTF and Jessica is like what the fuck is going on? We turned into on coming on the 99. At that very second a car hits us dead on and spins us. Our car gets a flat tire and instead of stopping, we end up driving the car through the divider. We go through the center divider and drive for about a minute and at this point we are all like WTF is just happened? Then in only seconds after all of that happened the other tire goes out and we flip about three times, maybe four. The car is fucked up, we couldn’t get out from the back seat the windows were fucked off and the car was all smashed up. Danyal was screaming get out of the fucking car.. but the back doors wouldn’t open so we had to crawl through. I feel like shit today. My ass and head and neck all hurt really bad, but I’m so glad that I didn’t have to see any of my friends die last night.
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