The resolution..

Jan 01, 2006 15:42

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The resolution..

NOT to let myself down. not to hurt anyone i care about, or anyone for that matter. to make plans/goals and keep them. to listen more and talk less. & to keep myself away from another stream of deadend relationships. this will have to do for now. xo

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Friday, December 30, 2005

Mixed inside me..

10 LAYERS OF ME, as it goes..


Name: tonya kinchen

Birth date: 2.19.1982

Birth place: landstuhl, rheinland-pfalz, germany

Current Location: merced & atwater, california

Eye Color: greenish

Hair Color: blonde & brownish

Righty or Lefty: depends

Zodiac Sign: pisces


Your heritage: german-italian american

What Shoes Did You Wear Today: chucks

Your weakness: love

Your fears: dying

Your perfect pizza: tomato, garlic, artichoke, and feta

Goal(s) you'd like to achieve this year: finish my dui classes, get my d/l back and buy a used car


Your most overused phrase or word: i tend to use the word 'like' a bit much

Your thoughts first waking up: cant believe it took so long to fall asleep

Your best physical feature: i dig my hmmm, i dont know, like elbows?

Your best over all feature: im, uh charming, lol or something

Your bedtime: insomnia has always kept me from bedtimes

Your most missed memory: there are many


Pepsi or Coke: cherry pepsi

McDonald's or Burger King: thai star or taste of little india

Single or group dates: huh, dates?

Adidas or Nike: adidas

Lipton Tea or Nestea: crystal lite

Chocolate or vanilla: berry

Cappuccino or coffee: grande vanilla latte w/out whip cream


Smoke: not very often, unless im drunk and hanging out with richard

Cuss: a habit I cant kick, i serioulsy cuss kind of a lot

Sing: not very well but i do it all the time

Take showers: um, religiously, though I don’t always wash my hair

Have a crush(es): see the last answer, minus the hair part

Think you've been in love: sure (im all about making myself love sick..)

like(d) high school: not much

Want to get married: doubt it'll happen

Believe in yourself: mostly

Get motion sickness: sorta, i think

Think you're a health freak: that’s debatable

Get along with your parents: usually

Like thunderstorms: always, but i like rain storms more


Drank alcohol: most often

Gone on a date: not that i know of

Gone to the mall: sadly

Been on stage: no

Eaten Sushi: not in a few

Been dumped: no, but stood up or flaked on

Gone skating: nope

Gone skinny dippin: not lately

Dyed your hair: no trying to grow it out, after bleaching it for years


Played a game that required removal of clothing: honestly, i don’t recall

Gotten beaten up: i guess

Changed who you were to fit in: to some extent, but not entirely


Age you hope to be married? i dont know

Numbers of Children: i dont know

Describe your dream wedding: with someone that loves me

How do you want to die: i dont really want to die, i dont want anyone i love or care about to die either


Best eye color?: ones that like to look at me

Best hair color?: kinda like messy hair but I don’t know

Short or long hair: its really up to the person as long as it looks good ?? i like to play with hair, i love to have my hair played with before i fall a sleep

Height: its strange, i don’t do well with anyone shorter than me, im 5’3 so yeah but im not like crazy picky about all this, i fall in lust over the craziest shit...

note: things i dig in a person:

* clean finger nails. someone that will take my hand into theirs because they enjoy holding my hand.

* strong, but not aggressive to any major extent, someone i could feel safe with.

* someone thats warm and nurturing.

* someone that is honest, and open. that can talk as much as listen, and never get tired of it.

* someone that truly likes me, and hasnt any hidden agenda.. not over jealous but a little bit jealous, you know?

* someone that loves music and can be creative or that inspires me to be creative.

* likes animals enough not to hate my cat.

* someone with goals, or hope and strong desires. someone passionate.

* someone that i fit into, like when we hug, we have to fit perfectly.

* someone that could lay around the house with me to cuddle and nap like kittens, if we werent feeling well, or something (not all the time)

* someone that isnt a jerk or liar or thinks they are better than everyone else.

* one that isnt mean to me in any way.

* one that keeps their promises to me and doesnt string me along.

* one that wants me for everything that i am, good and bad.. not someone that would like to change me.

* someone that would be proud to be with me, no matter where or with whomever around

also note:

* i dont want a relationship, or a fuck buddy, but i wouldnt deny myself of anything if it were to happen, and i wouldnt mind it happening with the right person at the right time. i forever drool over the idea of being inlove, and i enjoy the complications of it to such a strange extent that i am constantly tripping over people, like a hobbie..


Number of people I can trust: family & friends

Number of CD’s I own: seriously, like hundreds

Number of piercings: just my ears these days, used to be a body piercer at main st so ive had plenty

Number of times been on T.V.: none, well cept like local stuff i think for usad.

Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: several

Number of scars on my body: lots

Number of things in my past that I regret: I dont regret much of anything, i live with mistakes ive made, and try to learn from them..

so i guess you like, know me a little better now? eh?

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