I'm dancing alone..

Dec 26, 2005 21:35

Random thoughts:

I love to dance, alone in my bedroom. With or without the lights, the record player spinning round great music. Music is a huge part of me, it's like my best friend. Without it I would be lost. Your band, your songs, the lyrics comfort me most always.

I play my guitar (that I have almost sold a million times) and sing in the bathroom. I'm still learning, it's been a long process. I am constantly making things, sewing things together, cutting things apart, gluing and shit. I pick up my guitar, and put it down, pick it up, and get frustrated, then put it down. I miss my keyboard, I was getting so much better at it.

I'm not into going out much these days, but you'll see me around everyonce in a while. AND I still love my friends, though most of them have dropped off, we don't bother talking anymore. I know who my friends are, I know the good from the liars or fakers and sneakers and cheaters.. I can see through these Mercedians.

I love my cat, more than most people because animals are honest and have unconditional love. I love my family more than life, and those are two things I constantly worry about. It keeps me awake every night, seriously.

I had my DL taken away last year for getting two DUIs. I don't drink quite like I used to. I still enjoy having a beer every now and agian, but not being able to remember half the heartache, it feels as though I were cheated some how, you know?

I ride a bicycle that has a basket, and it has a sticker on the fender that reads "fuck you" I put it there because I don't care if your "beach cruiser' is more stylish or that you have a new car. So what..?

My life is much more simple these days, at times i think it kind of boring. Others though, other times I understand this change, this slower pace, it's healthier and I like that.

I will be taking classes next semester, and it should really make things interesting. I've had a job since I turned 16 and haven't been back to college since I was about 18 or 19. I'm nervous. I do know that once I get used to it, I will do well, and so I'm also excited.

Time changes people, life changes people.. I accept change, because I don't enjoy being unhappy or less satisfied than I'd like.

Currently listening:
Keep It Like a Secret
By Built to Spill
Release date: By 28 January, 1997

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