Title: The Cure
Pairing: Chuck/Serena (Gossip Girl)
Summary: Chuck wasn’t exactly the type of guy to shout from rooftops that he had a girlfriend (his first to be exact) but for some reason, he felt like he wanted people to know. Maybe it was the fact that he had never felt happier with anyone, or maybe it was the fact that he had tamed her somehow.
Chapter: 9/?
Spoilers: Pre-Series. None at the moment.
Rating: R
Author's Notes: Yeah uh, so that took forever!
Her eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep, but she couldn’t help but feel…happy. Her head lay gently on his chest as she rubbed her fingers along it slowly.
“Mmm that’s expensive.” He teased as he kissed her forehead gently.
She smiled putting her face into his chest. “Be quiet.”
He smirked before rubbing her shoulder slowly. “It’s okay you can drool on it.”
“I don’t drool!” she gasped, slapping his chest.
He laughed, “Whatever.” He looked at her and rubbed her bangs from her eyes. “Go to sleep.” He whispered.
“Mmmkay.” She muttered before drifting off to sleep.
He wasn’t sure exactly how this had happened, but he felt…happy.
Chuck wasn’t exactly the type of guy to shout from rooftops that he had a girlfriend (his first to be exact) but for some reason, he felt like he wanted people to know. Maybe it was the fact that he had never felt happier with anyone, or maybe it was the fact that he had tamed her somehow.
But he needed to be tamed, too.
The day at school was exactly what he needed, a cigarette in hand and Nate’s eyes bearing into him. “What?”
“You and Serena.”
“…what about it?” he was playing dumb and he knew it. He wasn’t ready to see Nate’s (pathetic) puppy eyes, not yet.
“Something like that.” He shrugged some pushing his cigarette out against the wooden table. “No big deal.”
Nate mumbled and got up from the picnic table and left quickly.
Blair was eating her yogurt slowly as she watched Chuck and Serena from afar. They were disgusting, saying goodbye didn’t take fifteen minutes, honestly. If she wasn’t going to already - she definitely would’ve regurgitated her yogurt.
Her arms were around his neck and she was giggly (surprise surprise) she always looked like a child - too happy and giddy about the smallest things.
“I really have to go-“ his mouth pressed up against hers before she could finish her sentence.
He squeezed her hips some before moving his lips from hers. “Hm, and?”
“Never mind.” She muttered before pressing her lips to his, again.
Blair rolled her eyes and stomped off. Why were all her plans always foiled? Stupid Serena.
She wasn’t sure how - but she’d ruin her yet.
Serena bounced towards Blair and smiled a very bright smile. “Hey B!” she smiled happily. “Lovely day.”
“You’re happy.” She stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
She grinned. “For once.”
Blair rolled her eyes. Serena was always happy-go-lucky. What the hell was she talking about? “Mmm.”
“Bye B!” she said hopping off towards her classroom.
“Bitch.” She muttered under her breath.