La Tormenta - a Drabble, Miguel Alvarez, G

May 23, 2004 04:04

Title: La Tormenta
Character: Alvarez
Rated: G
Spoilers: None
Prompt: HardTime100 Challenge# 54: Ooh la la - Say something in a foreign language
Word Count: 100 words
Note: First posted on May 23, 2004 at hardtime100.
I don't speak any Spanish, and the three free translators I used on the net offered three totally different translations, so I just chose the one that sounded the most poetic. Hope it's fairly accurate...

La Tormenta

I love thunderstorms. When I was little, my grandmother would wait up for them. I would wake, hearing the deep roll of thunder, the waves of driven rain. Then would come the sharp crack of lightening, and I would crawl into grandmamma's lap, as she sat by the window, talking to the storm. "Escuche La Tormenta, Miguel. Listen to The Storm. La puede oir que usted hablando con usted?" "Yes, grandmamma, I can hear her talking to me."

I lie awake tonight, and I know La Tormenta is out there. I miss her - I wish I could hear her voice again.


g, character study, miguel alvarez, drabble, ht100

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