Hungry - a Drabble, Richie Hanlon, NC17

Apr 22, 2011 02:03

Title: Hungry
Characters: Richie Hanlon
Rating: NC17
Summary: Richie loved cock.
Prompt: #164: Cock
Spoilers: through Season 3, episode 4: Unnatural Disasters
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Notes: Written for the Eight Hard Years Challenge at Hardtime100, April 22, 2011.


Richie loved cock: fat ones, thin ones, cut or uncut, cocks that curved to one side or stood up straight and tall, or those too heavy to rise, that just grew thicker - hard as steel under velvet smooth skin. He loved the way they started out soft and malleable, and with just a little encouragement they started to grow, eager, greedy, anxious for more. But he liked them best when they were hard - stiff and red and jerking in his hands like a live animal, angry and proud. There was nothing in the world better than a fierce, hungry cock.


nc17, drabble, ht100, richie hanlon

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