So Pam and I went to the music store yesterday, and I was able to get my 12 string Taylor fixed. The electronics were loose inside, therefore, it was going in and out when I was playing... pretty annoying, and not very conducive while trying to lead worship on a Sunday Morning. Anyways, while we were there, I was talking with one of the guys there that I have been trying to get out to church (he has come twice, and I think he is quite close to getting saved...)
We were talking about a lot of stuff, so I'm just continuing to pray for him. Also while we were there, he was showing me some six string guitars, and I fell in love with another Taylor. So now I'm saving up for
this guitar.
It's a little more money than I was originally planning on spending, but as far as Guitars go, Taylor is more like an investment... so the little extra is worth it in the long run. I love my 12 string, but it's hard to do finger picking stuff on one... so when I get my 6 string, I will be able to utilize both. I do have my alvarez guitar which is a 6 string, it's the first guitar I ever bought (like 10 years ago with paper route money in Canada) That thing has been through a lot, and it still sounds pretty good, but it's not the best for performance or leading worship. Anyways, it will probably be awhile before I get the Taylor, I will just have to save a little at a time....
Besides my next big purchase is going to be a new computer, my current laptop has been used and abused (well not so "abused" but when used on a daily basis and dragged everywhere I go, it's been used a lot...)
God knows my wants and needs, and He will provide as He always does...