Work next semester

Dec 22, 2016 09:05

It's looking like I will only have two classes for next semester. One one hand, I'm disappointed, as I was looking for at least three, and neither does Lesley have any more to offer me, nor did I get any interviews at the other institutions I applied to. It might be possible that I'll be offered a class through the Bunker Hill extension at the last minute, as I was last year, but that time around I didn't know until January. And it would likely mean another eight-week four-hour Friday night class, which are rough to plan and teach for.

It's nice, though, that I am being entrusted with higher level classes. This spring I'll be doing a literature course, which isn't a basic class, and an online Creative Writing class! It will be my first fully online class; I've done individual class periods online, but never an entire course. I'll need a training session for it, but I think it will suit me to not have to commute to it. It will be interesting to teach Creative Writing rather than Analytical for once, too, and I'm still pondering how best to approach it.

I am hoping to soon be able to secure enough classes that I don't have to tutor anymore. It's a totally fine job that I'm really grateful to have, especially since it gave me the experience to be considered for college-level teaching. But I'm a bit burnt out on it, and I prefer the greater schedule flexibility of just teaching. Because my step rate of pay at Lesley has increased, I could afford to do that with just three classes at this point. But because I only have two, I'm going to have to add on an extra day of tutoring next semester. Not what I wanted, and it's going to make my schedule a bit more awkward. But it will enable me to make a bit more money than I did this semester, and it's been nice that I've done a little bit better each semester of the last few years.

schedule, work, teaching

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