Feb 09, 2016 18:10
Mardi Gras snuck up on me yet again this year. I like to give up something for Lent, but I haven't given any thought to it. Usually I give up something food-related-- processed sugar is a perennial choice --but it wouldn't make much of a difference given how I've been eating these days. I'd like to choose something that would be meaningful. For me, I use Lent as a way of practicing self-control and bringing about personal change.
But what to do this year? Maybe trying out something that would be tough to do for an extended period but would be doable for forty days. Something that would be healthy for me, or in the service of some kind of self-improvement. Maybe I could pick a bad habit of mine and resolve to avoid it. But which one? Oh, there are so many. Or, alternatively, I could try to adopt a good habit. Again, so many I so desperately need.
Really not sure what now. I'll have to think about it tonight so I can start tomorrow.