Another prop required for the
Arisia production of Mrs. Hawking is a walking stick carried by Lord Cedric Brockton. The character is an impeccably stylish, well-turned-out noble gentleman who would be fashionably dressed, so I thought a nice contribution to that would be a fancy walking stick.
Unfortunately, we are on a rather tight budget (as in, I'm paying for the show out of my own very wee pocket) so I didn't really want to spend a lot of money on this, but I still wanted it to look cool. To that end, I got a bit creative. I went to a dollar store and bought myself a curtain rod with a fancy decorative end.
It looks pretty neat, and I think from far away its curtainly origins will not be discernible. Fancy and a little bit ostentatious for a man concerned with fashion. But I wonder if there's any way to dress it up a bit more. Maybe put a neat end on it, to both make it a little taller (the actor playing Brockton is taller than me) and give it a bit of traction. I'd like to find a relatively cheap and easy way to do that, so if anyone has an idea, I'd love to hear it.
Mrs. Hawking, by Phoebe Roberts, will be performed as part of
Arisia 2015, at 6PM on Friday, January 16th at the Westin Boston Waterfront.