Apr 27, 2014 13:18
For the week of 4/18 - 4/24:
- plotting for Brockhurst
- finished Beatrice Hawking, Giles Harlan, Robert Steele, Freya Mueller, Reggie Hawking, Melinda Charnmore, Jamie Harper, Marcus Loring, Fiona Carrow, Gwendolyn Lane, Bryony Andrews, and Edward Bellamy’s character sheet for Brockhurst
- wrote a scene between Nathaniel and Ambrose Hawking
- wrote 3 Livejournal entries
- wrote 7 daily Hipster Feminist tweets
- had reading dinner for first draft of Puzzle House Blues
- auditioned for The Importance of Being Earnest with the Watch City Players
- posted 1 blog entry
- watched season 2 of the new Upstairs, Downstairs (2011)
- 2 one-hour circuit workouts
accomplishment chart