GHOSTSHOW by the Watch City Players - official invitation!

Dec 31, 2013 14:11

This is your official invitation to GHOSTSHOW, the third production brought to you by the Watch City Players. We've been working on this for a while now, but we were held up when we struggled to find performance space. But now we are settled on the most lovely and accommodating Democracy Center in Cambridge! And we are assembling a lovely collection of short pieces around the theme of ghosts. Some are very funny, some are dramatic, and some are just plain interesting! So, I present to you,


an evening of short plays concerning ghosts.

Featuring Gabrielle Geller, Frances Kimpel, Charlotte Oswald, Eboracum Richter-Dahl, Phoebe Roberts, and Lenny Somervell

The pieces, comedic:

- Unimportant Conversations with Ghosts, Part I, by Lenny Somervell

Starring Frances as Alexander Hamilton and Eboracum as Aaron Burr, after their famous fateful duel to the death

- The Late Mrs. Chadwick, by Phoebe Roberts

Starring Lenny as Arthur Chadwick, Frances as Edwin Shrewsbury, and Charlotte as Matilda Chadwick, when a vengeful spirit descends upon a stuffy, very proper British household

- Behind the Sky, by Eboracum Richter Dahl

A movement piece performed by Charlotte, Lenny, Frances, and Phoebe as fairy beings in the land of the dead

The pieces, tragic:

- Hamlet, scene I.I, by William Shakespeare

Starring Eboracum as Horatio and Gabrielle and Phoebe as soldiers, when the king's ghost first walks the night

- The Ghost of Wittenberg, by Frances Kimpel

Starring Eboracum as Horatio, and Gabrielle and Phoebe as young students who may remind you of two other famous friends

- Richard iii, selection, by William Shakespeare

Starring the whole cast, haunting the usurper in dreams

- Caesar's Ghost, by Lenny Somervell and Phoebe Roberts

To be held March 8th at 8PM at the Democracy Center at 45 Mt Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA

Admission is free, donations gladly accepted

I hope you will come and join us! We have a Facebook event set up here, if you'd be so kind as to RSVP. It will be short, fun, and hopefully a nice night. :-)

the late mrs. chadwick, polaris_xx, crearespero, iagotolycus, performance, theater, chameleon's dish, nennivian, dendron_ges

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