I have been really into doing
@HipsterFeminist recently. I have felt very interested in my joke Twitter feed lately and as such have devoted some real thought to it. And the followers are slowly climbing, I now am up to 63. What I'm especially pleased with is that I've had several days' worth of tweets written in advance for a while now. I've been able to come up with several at once that I'm happy with, so I've saved them as drafts to deploy each successive day. For a while there I'd open my account up in the morning and stare at the blank box, struggling to think up even one for that morning. Now I have a backlog of decent ones-- right now I'm ahead by a week and have been able to keep about that far ahead for a while --so I can go a few days without coming up with a good one if need be. Amusingly, my most popular (at least, most retweeted) tweet ever was the one from August 24th, "I'd go lesbian for Andrej Pejic. Or stay straight. Whatever." A lot of his fans found that and liked it, apparently; I even got a follower or two from it. I'll have to make him the subject of further jokes if they go over that well.
So I'm having fun with it. Still waiting for it to go viral, heehee, but in the meantime I'm just enjoying doing it, and I'm glad there are people out there who get a laugh from it.