I have officially been doing my joke Twitter feed
Hipster Feminist for six months now. In that time period I've posted a joke almost daily, missing only a Sunday here and there. I'm up to one hundred and seventy-four tweets. They haven't always been as perfectly hilarious as I hoped they would be, but some of them turned out pretty damn funny, and I'm really proud of myself that I've kept it up. It would have been easy to space on it or get bored and quit, but I've enjoyed it and kept myself to it pretty well. Our girl Rhoda is even up to fifty-one followers now, double from three months ago, so I guess some people are liking it. :-)
I am thinking now about starting to do "storylines," chains of tweets that follow a plot about something going on in Rhoda's life. I'm not sure how feasible that is in the one-hundred-and-forty-character-per-post limit, but it might be trying it might be the logical next step. I do know some details from her life-- she comes from a totally regular, WASPy, upper-middle-class background that she wants strongly to disavow. Her parents are divorced and both remarried, and her hatred of her stepmom often makes her the target of Rhoda's feminist rage. (Which translates to I make her the whipping boy for a lot of the humor, poor woman.) Rhoda's dad is quite well-to-do, so she tries to distance herself from that privileged status while not realizing how much that privilege has shaped her. She has had and broken up with at least one boyfriend during this time. I never did settle on a last name for her, but I feel like it needs to be something dorky-sounding. That's not quite enough for a plot on its own, but I can flesh that out into something worth exploring. You know, as Charles Dickens showed us with the invention of the cliff hanger, creating the desire to find out what happens next in people is often the way to get them to follow your work.
Heh, that's what I need, more writing to work out, what with schoolwork, Tailor, and everything else on my plate. But work on my projects, the achievements I make on them, and the enjoyment of them by others gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction. So I'll take a stab at this. Of course any suggestions are welcome, particularly from those like
blendedchaiteawho have offered hilarious ideas that I ended up using in the past.