Easy but accomplished weekend

Mar 14, 2011 22:53

Well, that was my first non-packed weekend in quite some time. Spent most of it doing chores, like cleaning the house, laundry, and grocery shopping for the week. It's good to have that all taken care of. It also granted me some much-needed sit on my butt time, which has been in woefully short supply lately.

Edited and sent out the character sheets for The Stand today. God, it is so satisfying to prepare an already-finished game. I have decided to permanently change the gender balance of the game after casting these last two runs. I had one character who I conceived of as male but decided was probably the only one in the game who could be flipped without altering the role too drastically. I had one more female in the first run who didn't want to be cross-cast than I had roles for, so I ended up making that "neutral" character female. In this run, it made sense to also cast that character as female. So I've just decided to keep the part that way. It makes for nine female parts in the game instead of only eight, which is good considering that the other sixteen roles are all pretty firmly masculine.

Also conferred with Nat last night about editing Resonance. We are considering this next run to be another test of the concept to see if the last group of players was the reason that things went differently than we expected they would. If it goes similarly this time, then we will know that the game needs to be altered in order to get it running the way we want. Still, my gut tells me that with a different group of players-- specifically people with a slightly less gamist approach who are willing to go with the flow of the story --things will go much more as we planned.

The last thing of note that I did this weekend was had a really good Midsummer dance rehearsal. I felt like it went really well, like I'd made some real improvement in my dancing, and I had a lot of fun. I've been practicing, so it feels good to know that it paid off a little. I like the piece so much and I really want to do Charlotte's fantastic choreography justice. I also really enjoy having Plesser as my partner for most of my pieces; he's always fun and great to work with. The way you can see him acting the character of Bottom while dancing is awesome. I need to focus more on that myself, I'm still a little too focused on getting through the steps. I intend to practice a little more every night until the performance in hopes that it will become smooth and instinctive, and I can try to bring a little of Titania's personality into it as well.

resonance, larp, the stand, plesser, gming, rpg, natbudin, gaming, nennivian, dance

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