Aug 25, 2013 21:06
-I did a class called "Butts & Guts" on Wednesday and omg I'm still sore! I hadn't realized how apparently weak and untoned I am, sadness. I did a step class on Saturday which was a lot of fun. I've done step before but it was years and years ago (I was probably like, 16) but as soon as it started, it all came back to me so that was exciting. I'm aiming for 3 days a week, 65 minutes each time. We shall see!
-Going to the beach in a couple weeks, yay! I haven't been to the beach this year except for going to Florida so I'm excited.
-Those little, round EOS lip balms...I'm addicted I think. They smell so good!
-Still trying to figure out how to discretely catnap little gray kitten from downstairs.
-I need to win the lottery or something. ASAP.
-Recording the VMAs tonight. Only for 'N Sync. Totally fast forwarding through Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber and anyone with the last name Kardashian. Yep.