Title: Tribulations of the Dead
Pairing: Auron/Rikku, some Tidus/Yuna
Friendships: Rikku+Yuna
Summary: She has to save Yuna. That's all that matters now.
Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy X.
Notes: I totally blame
renaliner for this, because she lent me the game and now I'm completely addicted to this pairing, which sucks because it's kinda doomed to
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Comments 14
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And, uh, I kinda beat it? ^^;; I haven't done the sidequests yet, and I totally want to, but I kicked Jecht's butt and sat there crying through the ending, so I guess it counts as beating it. CONGRATULATIONS. FFX is officially the second console game I've EVER beaten. You were so right when you said that it's my kind of game. My brother is impressed. (That I beat it, that is.)
But yeah, I thought you were going to have to wait for like, three years, but then I randomly started reading Vincent/Yuffie fanfiction even though I've never played that game either, sigh and decided to start playing X. And then I couldn't stop. It was like a snowball. An awesome snowball.
AAND this comment is all over the place so I'm going to quit rambling and go back to squeeing over Rikku.
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OMG, YES, YOU ARE SO RIGHT HOW DID YOU KNOW? I squeed and flailed over Lulu quite a bit. In fact, my comments for the first half-ish of the game were, "WHERE IS RIKKU I WANT HER!" and "OMG LULU I LOVE YOU!". But yeah, Rikku is definitely the best character in the game. In fact, she's one of my favorite characters ever right now.
I loved the flow in this. How it was, in a sense, very stream of consciousness like, and how Rikku continuously pushed ahead with her goal, only to reach the end... ;~;
I adooore this pairing, and your fic represented them very well. Nice!
And thank you! I love writing in this style, and I'm glad that I got my point across. And adghjkl; this pairing just makes my life.
...I think I have written for it. It's really bad and really old, so I'm not recommending it! However, most of the Auron/Rikku fics I've read are nicely stored here [http://www.fanfiction.net/community/A_Beautiful_Disaster_Auron_amp_Rikku/5802/] A lot of them are really good. Some of them...suck. >> Sorry to say, but there are enough good ones to make it all better.
AND IT DOES, DOESN'T IT!? Akalsd I love Aurrikku.
Also. [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3258280/1/Soldier_of_Spira_Repost] You won't want to even touch this fic until you've beaten the game, but it's long, and amazing and one of the best Aurikku's I've ever read ever. It's old, and abandoned...but it's amazing. *__*
I don't think I've checked out that community yet! I've mostly found the fic I've read by searching through people's favorites list, so I've pretty much read a lot of the classics.
And I read that one! I spent an entire night doing so, but I did read it! It's...epic, in every sense of the word. Though, if I'm honest, I liked it better before they reached Mount Gagazet. Other then that, yes, I loved it too.
Sorry if this comment sounds weird, I'm pretty much flailing around and trying to get my thoughts in a coherant order, haha.
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