Title: Ethereal Trance
Pairing: Temari/Sakura
Summary: A moment in the moonlight. Written for
50shinobi, prompt #27 Violin
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Sakura woke up to the sound of beauty. It strung its way through the hallways of the Sand sibling's home. She didn't think. She only moved, following the beauty.
She followed it. Moving down the hall, up the stairs, one at a time, and down another hall, to a half-closed door. She pushed it open, and--
There she was. The source of the beauty. Temari.
She stood by an open window, eyes closed as the moonlight shone upon her, creating an ethereal mixture of light and shadow. Her fingers moved, and the bow dipped and rose over the strings of the instrument she played.
Sakura hesitantly stepped forward, not wanting to break the spell. She moved until she was in front of her, just out of the moon's reach, and listened to her. Watched her, enthralled.
The song slowly came to an end, and her eyes opened, meeting Sakura's. The medic began to speak, but was silenced by the slow shake of the sand kunoichi's head. Temari smiled, a small, fleeting smile, and began to play once more, her eyes never leaving Sakura's, effectively capturing her in the spell.
As the last few notes hung in the air, she didn't resist as the sand kunoichi set her instrument aside, and pulled her to her. Nor did she resist as Temari kissed her, long and slow.