Jul 29, 2004 03:32
So I just got back from my cruise to the Bahamas, which was a lot better then I expected! The gambing age on the cruise was only 18 and since no IDs were checked I was able to hit up the slots and I actually won about twenty dollars until I got addicted to playing Bingo and blew all my money
Other Highlights-
1)getting two bahamas hackysacks
2)the drunks in the cabin next to us throwing their deck fruniture into the Atlantic
3)24 hour pizzeria
4)The black girl in the elevator making fun of my hair... hmm not a racist comment just bein honest
It sucks being in all smart classes bc you never have classes with anyone.
1)English Honors 11- Nolen
2)Pre-Calculus Honors - Crenshaw
3)AP US History- Coffey
4)Spanish 2- Bishop
5)Business Tech Essentials- King
6)Video Production - Rockett
7)Physics- Hanke
Locker #465
hmm this is going be interesting. I have to maintain a 4.0 GPA or no car but I am not too worried becuase I had a 3.9 this year so with more effort it shouldnt be bad and plus the only class I am dreading is Crenshaw bc I didnt leave with that great of an impression Freshmen year lol
Other then that I can not wait until this year to begin, Summer has been great but I know this year is going to be awesome...
Anyone wanna be lettermen with me this year?