Oct 06, 2010 19:37
|& the rest is silence|
So, I'm rather new to this whole LJ game thing, so if there's anything I can improve upon, I'm always up for some con-crit. [Just be nice about it, will ya? Just a little?]
Any questions, comments or concerns, or if you'd like to do any plotting, feel free to drop me a line. I'm almost always on, so responses should come pretty quickly. Comments aren't screened, anonymous is enabled and IP address logging is off.
If anything needs to be addressed ASAP, or you just want to chat, you can ping me here:
AIM | sensesgaveway
I'm usually on after 6pm Central time until 2am on the days that I have work, and on the days that I don't? Sleep, what's that?
[ooc]: how's my driving?