[Ruby City] -- Application

Aug 27, 2011 16:19

Name: LAnn
Personal Journal: nearlygolden
E-mail: lannmorlan@yahoo.com
AIM/MSN/etc: No IM's -- Plurk: rplann

Name: Xerxes Break
Canon: Pandora Hearts
Timeline: Chapter 63

What the Past has Given Him:
To say Break is scarred from his past is a bit of an understatement. Both physically and emotionally, Break has suffered a lot.

For a quick explanation, Break, far before working for the Rainsworth family, was working for the Sinclair family. Only then, his name wasn't Xerxes Break. It was Kevin Regnard. While he was gone for a short amount of time, the Sinclair family was targeted by an opposing family and murdered, leaving only one little girl as a survivor. Break left her behind and sulked in his inability to save his master, only to come face to face with a chain, Albus. He created an illegal contract with Albus and killed over one-hundred people in order to change the past. He was pulled into the Abyss after the seal made a full circle and met the Will of the Abyss face to face. In that meeting, the Will of the Abyss ripped out one of Break's eyes and gave it to the Cheshire Cat, who had no eyes at all.

The Will of the Abyss wanted one thing from Break, and agreed to release him if he could fulfill that wish. She no longer wants to be the Will of the Abyss. She just wants to be Alice. This pushes a lot of the plot for Break, after he's done blaming the Will of the Abyss for not actually saving the Sinclair family.

See, when Break returned to his own world, it was over one-hundred years later. Cheryl, the head of the Rainsworth family, told him that the Sinclair family wasn't assassinated by a rival family, but they were still murdered. And the youngest daughter of the family, the one that was suppose to live through the entire thing, ended up getting an illegal contract as well, which meant she was dragged into the Abyss and lost forever.

Break changed his name and fell into a state of self-mutilation, shoving his fingers into his eye socket and feeling around in there so much that he made it bleed. The person that pulled him out of that state was Shelly Rainsworth, Sharon's mother. Although how she did it is unknown, the effect has lasted through the past twenty years. He smiles a lot more often than he did before. Actually, he smiles all the time now, and trolls everyone.

All of the Trolling:
The trolling thing comes with a much heftier price, however. He wants to keep people a safe distance away. Please getting close to him is a big no-no for him because he doesn't think rationally when people he loves are in danger. We'll get to that in a minute.

As a troll, Break has a habit of stealing cakes from people and shoving his fork into everyone else's tea. He'll sit on tables, after entering the room from under them, and use them as his own personal chair, even if people are eating on them. Not only are tables doors to him, so are cabinets, under beds, windows, and anything else that a normal person would not enter a room in. He'll also leave using those venues.

Also, Break has a tendency to tease people just for kicks. How he teases someone depends on how they react or how Break knows them. For example:

Sharon Rainsworth -- Although they're like brother and sister in the series, Break will not hesitate to tease her when they find a boy that looks to be around Sharon's age. For example, right after they met Oz Vessalius, Break said that Oz was perfect for her, meeting her shota tastes well. She'll get flustered and irritable before attempting to move on with the conversation.

Gilbert Nightray -- All of the trolling. Gilbert has complained at more than one instance about Break's behavior towards him. And Break enjoys every second of it. Most of is teasing consists of calling Gilbert Raven~ in a sing-song voice, as that's really all it takes to tick off Gilbert at this point. But when Gilbert was fourteen, Break teased Gilbert into believing that, in order to be a good big brother towards Vincent Nightray, Gilbert would have to call himself 'ore' instead of 'boku'. Then they under went 'ore' training for Gilbert to learn how to refer to himself properly.

Reim Lunettes -- Even though they've basically been best friends for the past decade, Break trolls on Reim a lot. He'll throw his arms around the man, poke him in the back so hard that Reim would fall over with an arm full of books, and he tends to shove all his paperwork on the poor fellow before leaving. Even in their more serious conversations, Break tends to tease Reim. This is more of a diversion tactic than anything, which doesn't really work all that well, but he'll try anyway.

Alice -- Alice doesn't like Break. At all. Which is why Break likes to tease her. Most of the time, he just asks nice to her because she acts irritable to him no matter what he does. Occasionally, when she gets cocky towards him, Break will use his doll and throw his voice, making it seem like his doll, Emily, is insulting her.

Intelligence and Impulse:
Under normal circumstances, Xerxes Break is a very intelligent person, and he prides himself of that, by not telling anyone. By appearance, he looks like a servant with a lack of manners and clothes that are just way too big for him. Really, he knows a lot more than people give him credit for. For example, he was the first to figure out that Vincent Nightray was working with the Baskervilles. He actually thought that Vincent was up to no good since the beginning of the manga. This could just be that he has a distaste for the man, but it's more likely that Break suspected that Vincent was doing more than he was letting on.

When getting things that he wants, Break will use his intelligence to his advantage. This includes manipulating people, which he does very well. Knowing Alice was a target for the Cheshire Cat, Break waited until she was alone before appearing, causing the Cheshire to pull both him and Alice into the same location. Before they were forced to the Cheshire's place, Break left behind his doll, Emily, giving Oz the note to follow him. Which Oz does. So, in the matter of two minutes, Break basically manipulated two people. Well, three, because where Oz goes, Gilbert follows. He can also manipulate information out of people. He offered to trade his intelligence with Oz's, which caused Oz to open up about things that happened to him in Cheshire's world. In return, Oz was able to ask Break questions. To which all of the answers were, "I'm not telling you~!" He'll do it to anyone, really.

Unfortunately, when his important people are put into danger, especially Reim Lunettes or Sharon Rainsworth, Break is far, far more impulsive. Though he says he does everything for himself, the truth is that without Reim and Sharon, he's pretty helpless. So, when they're in danger, Break does whatever it takes to help them. In one instance, Vincent kidnapped Sharon and poisoned her. In order to get the antidote, Break destroyed Cheshire's bell, which contained Alice's memories from one-hundred years ago, which is the very thing that Break was seeking since his release from the Abyss. Later on in the manga, when Break thought Reim was dead, Break nearly killed himself in a fight with the Baskervilles. He would have died if Gilbert didn't step in and save him. And, after getting a stern lecture about going to people when he needs help, Break started opening up to others a bit more.

Living without Vision:
Break is not deterred by the fact that he's losing his vision. In fact, he believes that he had it coming. After killing over one-hundred people for nothing, and then having the only living member of the Sinclair family die because of a choice he made, he really does believe that this loss of vision is completely deserved.

Really, he doesn't believe it's that bad. He can still walk and talk freely, and a person that lives on just vision isn't using all of their capabilities. Although not having vision does hinder his paperwork getting done, that's what Reim is for! Hey, it's not like he's using Reim - the man offered to do the paperwork for him so that way no one would find out about Break's lack of vision.

He's not completely blind. He's still able to make out certain shapes, but colors and the ability to tell apart faces are disappearing. Luckily, his hearing is still in tact, which is what he uses to get around and tell people apart. All of his other senses are used as well, just not quite as frequently. Also, his sword doubles as a cane, which he uses to make sure he doesn't hit any walls. Like a walking stick.

First Person:
-is certainly interesting.

[Don't mind Break, he's just fiddling with this shiny new pocket watch he found in his pocket. He can't see it at all, so he's running his fingers over the screen of the video, a giant smear covering the screen for the time being. After a moment he smiles and looks over to the doll on his left shoulder.]

It doesn't appear to be Oz's pocket watch, does it, Emily?

[The doll doesn't respond. Break looks back at the watch, rubs his finger over the screen a few more times, causing the smeer to disappear after the last one, before he closes it, cutting off the feed.]

[A few minutes later, the feed comes back to life. It's only voice this time, though. It takes a few seconds for the device to pick up a voice, though.]

Curiouser and curiouser~.

[There's a pause and a click, making the device become a video feed again. Yes, he's toying with the pocket watch. He wants to know what it does.]

So many buttons for one little watch. Right, Emily?

[The doll appears to talk on it's own now, moving a little as it does.]

Even a stupid rabbit wouldn't be able to figure it out! Keh keh keh!

Now, now, Emily. Just because it's true doesn't mean you should say it.

Third Person:
Well... this is certainly interesting.

Once sitting at Pandora getting his bearings, now settled in a completely different seat, jerking around a little. The unfamiliar area left him tense, but the fact that he could see gray and black shadows around him only made things worse. And there was definitely someone watching him. Break could feel it, a pair of eyes just sinking into his skin.


No answer. Break frowned. After a moment, he stood, using his sword as a cane for support as he tried to make his way through this unfamiliar area with now sight at all. Although the first couple of steps weren't so bad, nearly tripping on something metal made him second guess this entire venture. Though he had no idea where he was, or where anyone else was for that matter, he was really in no position to be walking around. He reached out, grabbing a hold of some sort of handle.


Still nothing. Except those eyes were still there. It made him uncomfortable. Not one that's familiar, like Sharon or Reim. Wait... where's Sharon? She was with him before, but now...

"Sharon-sama?" he asked, far more panic in his voice than he intended as he turned around. Suddenly, a screech hit is ears, he was forced back, his hand on the handle keeping him upright. Then it stopped, a light hiss sounding. There was a loud click to his left, as if a set of doors were opening. He paused for a moment before feeling and urge to head outside. Perhaps that's where Sharon was.

Slowly, Break made his way outside, paying very close attention to everything around him. Even the smallest noises.

ruby city, application

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